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BSR help

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    BSR help

    I can't believe it but I cannot get a good result using my BSR1 or BSR2 ops: . I'm actually doing better, still not great, free motion without it. I reduced the stitch length to 1.5. I also tried moving more to the side to see where I'm going. BSR2 is even worse for me: lots of skipped stitches. Where can I be going wrong :?:

    Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland

    Do you have a new needle in the machine? Is the red light on when you are sewing? (I've actually watch someone demonstrating the BSR and it wasn't really even engaged...)

    Try putting the machine speed low and go slowly, but smoothly.. is it any better? Does you machine run fast regardless of how slow you try going?

    Another thought -- is your bobbin thread the same as your top thread? Once I had a problem there...


      [quote="CharleneNJ"]Do you have a new needle in the machine? Is the red light on when you are sewing?

      I just got a BSR(yippee, hooray) and I was wondering, do you want the red light on? Thanks, Elizabeth ops:


        The red light is from the laser, which is actually sensing the movement of the fabric... That is how the machine is able to regulate the stitches. If the red light is off, then you aren't truly using the BSR. ... Charlene


          Yep, the red light is on, new needle, single stitch plate, supreme slider, also tried pressure on 0 and on 47, am using "Bottomline" in bobbin, going slow, going medium. All the mechanics appear to be in working order. I think it is the pilot, not the plane.

          Should the bobbin thread go through the eye like when I use the embroidery module? Haven't tried that.

          Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


            I don't think that it is necessary for the thread to go through the arm, unless you want more control over the top thread staying towards the bobbin. Perhaps the needle size??? Too small or too large for the thread? What kind of thread are you using on top? I just bought bottom line to use in the bobbin, but haven't even tried it yet. I did have a problem using a different thread, i.e. Signature in the bobbin with Mettler on top....

            Let's see... Libby recommends using size 90/14 topstitch or 90/14 or 80/12 Metalilc or Metafil with 40 wt. decorative thread with bottom line in the bobbin... I would try using the same thread on top and in the bobbin and see if it stills skips, just to rule out the thread combination.


              I've just been using my BSR and I started getting huge areas of skipped stitches (from half an inch to an inch). I changed the needle with no result, then cleaned and oiled it, with apparent good results but then it started up again... I am using a size 12 needle, Superior Masterpiece in the bottom, and 30-weight cotton Sulky variegated in the top. When I first started on this quilt, there were no problems. Can anyone solve the mystery of the skipped stitches?


                Here is the thing with the BSR - when I wrote my machune quilting book I did not use it - so 150 hours later I am a B+ quilter - had I used the BSR - I would be have been a B+ quilter 15 hours later (not 150). So the BSR has a learning curve. - but SOOO much shorter. Giveryour self a chance to play and "goof" up - yes, goof up - the BSR is like training wheels. It is when we sit down and expect to be perfect right off the bat, the problems start - relax, give yourself a bit of time and you willl love the bsr. What took me 150 hours would have taken 15 - had I used the BSR. I think it is an amazing tool!!!


                  I do my machine quilting on treadles, but if I were you, I'd try a size 14 or 16 top-stitching needle with 30 wt. thread.

                  Pat in Rockport, TX


                    I have to laugh because I am such a rookie at all this thread stuff. I just put in what I had on hand...probably something inexpensive, and so far I am not having any trouble with my BSR. I have used my 153 to machine quilt before so I have lots of hours on that machine but now I am getting acquainted with my new machine. (I kept my 153 for piecing while using the embroidery on the 640) I guess I will become educated with thread soon, and needles too for that matter, but for now ignorance is bliss. Hope you guys get the hang of it (me too!).
                    Elizabeth :lol:


                      Ok Alex, maybe I am expecting too much too soon. It's just that those ads make it look so simple.
                      I am using a variety of threads and keeping a record using Ann Fahl's chart in Coloring with Thread. My Swiss mentor like me to use a 16/8 for quilting but that is just not possible with decorative threads. I try to use Superior's guide. I usually test 80/12 or 90/14 (topstitch or metallic). I really dislike the rayon thread that is sold in my locale. I am very tempted to order some trilobal polyester from Superior since I have been very happy with the performance of the threads I purchased. But what colors should I choose? That's for another forum.

                      Well today's a new day for me and more quilting to do. DH tells me it looks pretty good from a distance. He says my problem is that I am an "A"-type person who uses magnifying glasses while working on these projects.

                      Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


                        Do you own one of the "older" BSR's? If so, it could need the update that entails taking the machine and the BSR foot to your dealer. Just a suggestion. Sally in sunny NE Ohio

                        Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


                          Ah! littleflower (Teri) solved my BSR problems by telling me to drop the tension to almost ZERO! Made all the difference in the world! Florence

                          Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


                            My BSR is brand, spanking new.

                            Florence, by golly, moving tension to 0 really improved the situation. Of course I have been practicing free motion all day without the BSR.

                            Why would loosening the tension so dramatically work so well? I've been swapping needles, threads, stitch lengths, vertical spool holders, horizonal spool holders, metal thread guides all day. Luckily I've been keeping a record.

                            New Question: BSR1 or BSR2 and why?

                            Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


                              I can't explain, but I too went thru all kinds of needles, presser-foot pressure, etc.-- I was already well into a quilt so I didn't want to change threads, I only tried one other kind that was very similar, but the problems did literally disappear w/ the tension adjustment.

                              I'm NOT all that experienced w/ the BSR, but I use BSR 2, I think b/c I'm just used to using my foot to make the machine go! With BSR 1 I feel I'm much more likely to sew thru my finger or something, it stitches every time the fabric moves!

                              Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


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