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All Things Rhapsody

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    Regarding a design wall, you don't have to pay $100.00...I used a flannel back tablecloth fabric I had (it's heavy, I used it as a table pad), and put 5 grommets across the top and hung it on the thin wire hangers that you twist into the wall. They leave just a tiny whole. I don't know what the fabric costs now, but it is quite wide. Mine cost about $5 a few years ago. Cotton sticks like glue to it. I sewed an extra piece to it to make a wall about 80 inches square and needed all that for the rhapsody quilt that is up on it.

    Another bonus is that you can get a flannel backed tablecloth which I got for $4.99, 52 by 90", add the grommets and hang that one over the other so I can have two design walls going at the same time.
    When I want to work on the underneath one, I can just take the top one down, roll it with all the fabric in place and put it aside until I want to work on it again. In other words, two walls for $10 plus the cost of grommets, and interchangeable and portable too...just fold and go.

    Jenny in Oz


      Hey Dorene,
      I love your idea. I'm just not sure what you mean by the thin wire that sticks into the wall. Can you explain more about that, please? Thanks.
      Sharon from Colorado currently visiting KC
      Jenny in Oz


        Hello Dorene, That's mighty crafty, 2 design walls for half the price of my IKEA curtain clips and eyehooks from the hardware store.

        I am definitely going to open the flannel table cloth and rotate projects. I just have to get my hands on some grommets and then I'll be ready!

        Jenny in Oz


          Hi, Sharon. I believe the hooks she's referring to are the Hercules Hooks. You can find them at Home Depot, Lowe's, Walmart, etc. I bought a package of 20 hooks which included a "free laser marker!!" for, I think, $10.00, 3 or 4 months ago. They look really neat, but I haven't used one yet, I've been too busy sewing. Have a great day.
          Jenny in Oz


            Originally posted by cutup
            Hi Ann
            I think the reason I and maybe and few others are having trouble is in the video ( close is good enough ) he has folded the freezer paper just like our little 8" square so this tells me that he will make the 26" square a full pattern so then how would that be 1/4th or is it folded once on the diagnal that I is believe where the confusion is . If the 26" sq. is 1 qtr. then he he would have folder 1x yes no....... :? Jean
            Confirming - - The tiny 8.5 inch square is folded to a small triangle that represents 1/8th of the quilt. The 26" square is folded only once on the diagonal and also only represents 1/8th of the quilt. The 26" square is not folded in th same way the small paper was. I've added text to Rhapsody Reality Blog 7 clarifying that in printed instructions - it was not clear in the videos - Thanks Ricky - Thanks everyone for helping clarify during my absence. You were all right - and helped a lot.


              I use two one-inch thick 4' x 8' sheets of Styrofoam wall insulation - very light, very inexpensive at a hardware store and easy to cut down to size if necessary. I use wide, secure tape to tape them together, only on one side to create a hinge, and then cover it with Warm and Natural batting. The cotton batting is dense, thin, and very tacky, so I don't have to pin very often. When I do need to pin, the Styrofoam makes is easy.


                Hi everbody,
                Well .....I went to the shop for more fabric ( all the piecces in my stach where to small) and I am just put the most of my Rhapsody together.
                I wait with the outside border for the colour. I am not sure witch colour to use a black ore a very dark red. You can see the picture on my profile.
                If you like you can tell me what you thing about it. I planning to work with a darker colour in de center. Are there others who are working on a Rhapsody quilt? I am waiting for the next instruction. I hoop the bear didn't eat Ricky then we all stuck with an unfinisch Rhapsody quilt.
                I am impatient to work furder on my quilt en to now how we are gone put all these pieces togetter. :P

                I would like to put a photo here but i just do not now how!:?

                Have a nice quilting day and lots of love from Belgium. Duffy


                  Duffy, you are a hoot :lol: I enjoy your posts! Yes, it would be quite the problem if the bear got Ricky and you were stuck with your unfinished quilt. :P We'll all have to be patient so that, if the bear doesn't get him, his precarious ticker (from our pressure on him) won't either! I'm sure those burgers and blue drinks don't help either. :? Perhaps someone can offer to cook for him!
                  Your quilt looks beautiful! I would also consider a dark green for the border. Audition a few colors. I guess that means more fabric shopping. :wink:
                  Jan in triple-digit (again) Spokane, WA. Back to the cool basement/studio.


                    Your Rhapsody Quilt is looking lovely...thanks for the inspiration.


                      Duffy, your quilt is looking really wonderful, your giving me inspiration and a nudge to move.
                      Living Threads



                        if I had to choose between black and dark red, I'd go for the dark red

                        JOY - who has finally decided on a Rhapsody sketch and needs to upload it!


                          Diffinitly the dark red.
                          Sherry in hot hot hot So. Miss. Wish I had a cool basement!


                            I saw the cover of Ricky's Rhapsody book. You can preorder it from Amazon.com. Should come in November.
                            They usually run late with new books, but I didn't know where else we could preorder it from.......
                            Ricky, can we preorder it from you?


                              Duffy, Your quilt is gorgeous and I really love the colors you have selected. I'm not sure on the border as both would be dramatic. It just depends on what look you want. Black would definitely bring out the colors.

                              Great job!! I am impressed.

                              Leslie in Colorado


                                Duffy, your quilts are beautiful, including the Rhapsody on the wall. I would go for the dark red rather than black for the border. Best way to tell without cutting the template is just fold each fabric in the approximate size and place each on a corner on the wall. Mine is on the wall, just have to get it uploaded to my profile. Hope you're cooler in your corner of the world than Phoenix AZ. It's inching down from 116 F. to 106 8)


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