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Mug Rug Exchange - Do it yourself style!

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    This little girl has the right tune, even if her bird skills are a bit dodgy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8Q_z_tgsCA

    My mum would put a small bit of sticky paper on her first fingers, and when the birds flew away would put her hand behind her head and switch fingers to the middle finger, which didn't have the sticky on it. and reversed for the return journey - took me years to work out how she did it ops:


      Originally posted by "PosyP"
      You've obviously had a deprived childhood, if your mum didn't sing 'Two little dickie birds' to you. As for our other famous cricketing Dickie Bird - well he could be used as a design ideas source, I'll even give you a short resume of how to play cricket if you like :wink:

      To Mom's credit (God rest her soul), we had a variation...

      Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill,
      One named Jack
      One named Jill
      Fly away Jack
      Fly away Jill
      come back Jack
      Come back Jill

      I'd just forgotten this rhyme, that was a Long time ago
      As for a cricketing Dickie Bird, what's that? I've never seen a whole cricket match, only bits and pieces in the movies.
      "Cricketer Harold Dennis "Dickie" Bird, OBE, is a retired English international cricket umpire. The son of a miner, he gained the nickname 'Dickie' at school. He resides in the South Yorkshire village of Staincross." He has a reputation as an all round good guy, and I believe still does work for charity, although he is now in his 80's

      I've never been to a cricket match, but on a glorious sunny day, with a deckchair, drink and some hand sewing to keep you occupied between 'overs' (1 man chucking a ball at another), it is supposed to be very relaxing to watch. The menfolk that like watching cricket, would just settle for the decent weather, beer & deckchair


        OK, now I think I have to put a bird of some sort on all my swaps. Right now my list is Sue, Rita, and Renata. I think with everything else that's probably all I can manage for a bit...but maybe later. Though perhaps I should put a lounge lizard on at least one. LOL

        "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
        Betty Jo


          I'm not sure exactly what I'll be doing yet, however, I was thinking that, if I were to put a bird on some of my mug rugs, it would be the cardinal as it represents the State of Virginia--I have to look up what the VA state flower is...

          Right now my list of rug muggees is: Lotti, Nancy, Marilyn, Wendy, Rita, BJ, Lorchen, and Maureen (I'll double-check the postings to make sure I did not leave out anyone) but... if you love cardinals and want one, please let me know! Otherwise, I will love to surprise you! :lol: :twisted:


            Just so that I can keep track of who I am sending to I'll add my list here too...

            Lois, Marilyn, Wendy, Rita, Terrie.

            Have you been Rug Mugged yet today?


              Originally posted by suehenyon
              Uh, what is a dickey bird? I Googled it and laughed my head off at the first image that came up. Dare you! :lol: :lol: :lol:
              :lol: :lol: The clinched fist seems appropriate! :lol: :lol:

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Susan, My parents must have had the same songbook as yours. I can just imagine what you might find if you google "dickie bird". I am thinking we might be talking "depraved" rather than "deprived" childhoods. ops: ops: ops: :lol: :lol: :lol:


                  Originally posted by PosyP
                  Have you been Rug Mugged yet today?
                  i've been rug mugged - YESSSSSS!

                  my swappees are:
                  Terrie, Connie, Rita, Marilyn, Maureen, Robyn, Susan, Lisa, Renata, Lorchen (if she accepts my begging email, & Patti ops: ops: ops:

                  so, Lori, do you want to complete the full dozen :?:

                  i won't make them today or tomorrow - but i promise they're very first in line as soon as my dad's quilt is in the washing machine... (hopefully by easter)...
                  and the ideas in my head shouldn't take forever to become reality - unless i make some of them part of my on-the-go project...
                  sewing by hand does take longer - but it can be done just about anywhere... on the plane to china - in china - coming home from china - on the plane to canada :idea: :idea: :idea:
                  Lotti, Kuessnacht - Switzerland


                    I would love to be included in your dozen. Thank you.


                      I just did my Rugee Recipient accounting and I have nine. I'd love to add to my list, but I'm gonna wait until these are all delivered.


                        I've only now had the time to read the whole thread and realized that I totally ignored that the 'Mistress of all Lounge Lizards' closed the book..... Ah well, I'm German, English is such a tricky foreign language, and I'm dyslexic, so I simply didn't get it.Anyway, what do you expect from a 'Lot hen'?! :P

                        On my wee list are: Terrie, Lotti, Maureen, Connie, and Renata.
                        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                          Forgotten to say: If Rosemary goes on loosing weight, she'll be able to use her mug rugs as bed quilts.
                          From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                            My swappies are Connie, Rita, Lottie, Terrie, Marilyn, Renata, Lorchen and Wendy. Have I left anyone out :?: :?: I won’t be putting any time limit on any of you or myself so everyone just make them when you can. The emphasise is on no stress and just enjoyment.


                              Absolutely, Maureen! Stress makes fabrics shrink, points disappear, and puckers develop, and we don't want that now, do we?!
                              From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                                Well--I can say that I had never heard of dickie-birds until this thread. You ladies are so educating(and entertaining!).
                                From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


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