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Unsigned HSTs

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    I am guilty! Judy Gvili Boston, Massachusetts


      Mine was Groton, Connecticut. I didn't put my name Cheryl Beglau AKA cjbeg.


        Originally posted by Ellie
        I signed mine in pencil with
        Thank you, Ellie. I just finished my computer list of all the USA sisters and received 3 from you! Adding this thread was a fantastic idea. :lol: It's so nice to be able to put the quilter's name, etc. with her/his HST! :lol:

        Ellie...if you hadn't told us who you were, I wouldn't have seen "a-l-l" of your beautiful embroidery on your profile...as well as fabulous quilts! Love it all! :lol: :lol: :lol:

        Quilt labels provide a personal place to share a part of ourselves whether it's on fabric or on HST papers! They are a small piece of a quilt that connects all of us in a big way! :lol:

        Shirley Forster
        Gresham, Oregon, USA


          Originally posted by cjbeg
          Mine was Groton, Connecticut. I didn't put my name Cheryl Beglau AKA cjbeg.
          Cheryl, love your original memorial quilt idea using men's ties. This is what I want to do with my step-dad's ties! Personally speaking, I think this is going to be one of the best threads of this SoTTT because we're hearing from other sisters (who are more quiet than the rest of us) so we can look at their profiles :!:


            Hi Shirley,

            I agree this is a great idea! See you in FL soon!


              Adding my name to the list

              Name: Jill Buttel
              TQS: patchworkjill
              Place: Taree
              State: New South Wales (NSW)
              Country: Australia

              Taree NSW - Australia
              My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


                Since I got over 50 unsigned, I will just figure I probably got one of Susan's, Sharon's, and Jills! Playing the odds, here! Sure wish I had pictures to compare them with!

                In beautiful Northwest Montana


                  Dear Scoopie & fellow SoTTT’s

                  I agree. While ironing my sorted by color unidentified HST’s I decided to take a photo of some & post to see if any of our sister’s wanted to ID their HST’s. They are beautiful! Here are some of them.


                    Originally posted by Patchworkjill
                    Adding my name to the list

                    Name: Jill Buttel
                    TQS: patchworkjill
                    Place: Taree
                    State: New South Wales (NSW)
                    Country: Australia
                    Thanx, Jill, for stating your info so clearly!


                      Originally posted by sforster395
                      Originally posted by cjbeg
                      Mine was Groton, Connecticut. I didn't put my name Cheryl Beglau AKA cjbeg.
                      Cheryl, love your original memorial quilt idea using men's ties. This is what I want to do with my step-dad's ties! Personally speaking, I think this is going to be one of the best threads of this SoTTT because we're hearing from other sisters (who are more quiet than the rest of us) so we can look at their profiles :!:
                      Thank you Shirley, They (three) turned out pretty well. I sent you an e-mail with a link if you want an alternate idea for your ties. All those angles will make you pull out you hair. Note the frog on my profile pic. LOL


                        Originally posted by RiverOwl
                        Dear Scoopie & fellow SoTTT’s

                        I agree. While ironing my sorted by color unidentified HST’s I decided to take a photo of some & post to see if any of our sister’s wanted to ID their HST’s. They are beautiful! Here are some of them.
                        Hi Barbara,
                        I just got home from a long weekend and spent the last 2 hrs catching up with 10 pages of Chapter 3 and all these new topics!! Just can't keep up...but this was an idea I thought would work well for identifying some of those unsigned HSTs. Thanks for putting these out there. I hope to do the same if I ever get it together. Lots of Barbara's out there with great ideas!!



                          I wrote just my town and state.
                          Mary Dettloff

                          Lake Jackson, Texas


                            Originally posted by snflrz4u2
                            I am one of those who did not sign their hst. ops: susan wilcox Cadillac, MI

                            Thanks Susan,

                            I received a few of yours.



                              Originally posted by Ellie
                              I signed mine in pencil with
                              I received several in pencil ...PA USA...I'll put your name on them. Thanks...Doreen


                                Originally posted by cjbeg
                                Mine was Groton, Connecticut. I didn't put my name Cheryl Beglau AKA cjbeg.
                                I got one of yours. I thought it was Graton, Connecticut...I'll correct my spelling on put your name on it....Thanks....Doreen


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