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Have not received my triangles

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    Have not received my triangles

    My friend in my area received her triangles just this last week, and I see others have received theirs but there is not sign of my triangles yet. Could you give me an estimate of when they were sent out?

    Karen (ifesbeh)
    Deborah W

    Karen, there isn't necessarily a particular order that the packages of HSTs have been mailed out. They are being mailed out as they are completed by Clara and Debbie. So it doesn't mean anything that your friend has gotten hers and you have not. Debbie and Clara will post on the forum when the last packages have been mailed out. I know Debbie posted earlier today that she mailed some out yesterday and has a bunch more ready to go out in a day or two. You can follow along on the forum below. There are lots of posts from people as they receive their packages as well as updates from Debbie and Clara. I'm waiting patiently for mine too, but I'm enjoying reading posts from people as they receive theirs!

    Deborah W


      Thanks for the update

      Deborah W


        I'm waiting with you Karen. Nose pressed against the window in search of the postman. Just can't wait to see all those little beauties.
        Deborah W


          I'm just hoping that my hsts come back quicker than they went out. The hsts went out in the first week of March, the Sorting Hats the following week, the Sorting hats arrived in about 7-10 days, the hsts arrived the Saturday before the Sort! Go figure :?
          Deborah W


            Originally posted by PosyP
            I'm just hoping that my hsts come back quicker than they went out. The hsts went out in the first week of March, the Sorting Hats the following week, the Sorting hats arrived in about 7-10 days, the hsts arrived the Saturday before the Sort! Go figure :?
            I found a HST of yours in my treasure bag! I am so-o-o-o glad your HSTs did finally arrive in the nick of time for the sorting!!

            In beautiful Northwest Montana


              Originally posted by cjbeg
              I'm waiting with you Karen. Nose pressed against the window in search of the postman. Just can't wait to see all those little beauties.
              I am patiently waiting, too. Decided to clean my sewing space in the basment and put up flannel for a design wall. We will have kids and grandkids over for Easter, so have plenty to do. Our Easter Egg Hunt may have to be in the basement after receiving 8 inches of snow on Tuesday. We'll see how fast it disappears. Lots has melted, but may get snow flurries and rain the next two days. I like reading about everyone as they receive their HSTs. Enjoy.


                Thursday, April 21, 11:00 am:

                Hallelujah...as of 15 minutes ago, all of the packages of U.S. HSTs have been put in the mail. All names have been checked off our spreadsheet and they are now in the hands of USPS. I hope they all arrive safely & soundly, and maybe even by Saturday if all goes well!

                Now I wonder what I will do with all my extra time? It's been a fun, interesting ride and I have made many friends, though maybe some will only be through email..it has been priceless and I thank you for all the help, the support, and the EXERIENCE!!

                Clara is working on the International packages, so she can provide an update on what's happening with those.

                "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


                  Thanks for the update Debbie. You could give some of that free time to me! I'm still waiting for my HST's too but expect they will be here soon as I'm not far away. I volunteered my house for Easter as long as I didn't have to do any cooking. Then my DD asked if I was going to make sugar cookies. She said she would do them if I wasn't but she's already doing the deviled eggs that I normally do and potato salad and she has a newborn and toddler. So of course I said I would do them. Happy Easter everyone!


                    I hope mine come in the next couple of days, but regardless of their condition when they get here - or even if they do get here - this whole exchange has been a fun experience. I have some ideas for what I will make, but I am waiting to see what colors I have to work with. Anyway, I just wanted to say a big thank you!


                      Yahoo!!!! my triangles arrived today. Thank you Thank you Thank you.



                        Me too Karen. Drove up to my house and saw my DH in the driveway with my package in his hands. What a beautiful sight.


                          Well, I am one happy TQS member! My blocks came this afternoon. I was happy I participated, but now I am thrilled. Thank you!


                            Have not got my triangles yet...maybe today. Fingers crossed. Sandi in FL


                              Woohoo!!! My HRTs arrived yesterday afternoon. With only about 3 minutes to look, I was excited to see England, Scotland, Australia, Canada in my bag along with Montana, New Jersey, Idaho, Michigan. I can't wait until I have the time to sort them all out and count all the locations. What a thrill. I've begun "plotting and scheming" as to what pattern...Can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with! Thank you again everyone for all your hard work. Terry


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