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triangle papers

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    triangle papers

    I have not received my triangle papers Oedered over a week ago I will be way behind Help Barbara Pearland Tx

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !

    If you are a Sottt then you have until 1st April to send in your hst's.

    If you are a BRus then you have until 15 March to send in your hst's.

    If you are DESPERATE to start NOW :!: you could try http://www.QuiltingAndWhatnot.com for print at home hst paper, be sure to measure the first page for accuracy - if it is, sign this first page and then copy it, as this way you only have to sign 18 times and double check your copies for accuracy to size.

    They make up really quickly and it is only the 7th of February - don't panic, I'm sure you will get them done in time, and provided you have let the organiser know your package is on it's way (like you are supposed to) they will wait for it's delivery.


    PS Don't try to put a fat quarter sandwich under the machine, (especially with the home printed papers) it will slow you down more than if you take the time to cut the fabric down in half - ask me how I know :lol:

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      I have already paid for papers Am I going to get them Quilting And Whatnot does not work If I had known it was OK to print them I would have only ordered one set Is this going to work I am not getting in a panic but like others I don't have all the time in the world jean082

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        I think that Edyta was going to be gone for a week and I am sure when she gets back she will work quickly to get the orders out.

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Is Edyta the only person running her business? She surely has some employees d filling orders I would like to hear from her or her company jean082

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Sorry--I was just trying to help.

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              Jean082, I would suggest that you try and contact Edyta through her website. You are more likely to get a reply for her there. This forum is part of a community of quilters who try to help one another, often with alternative suggestions to help solves each others problems.

              In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                Edyta states on her website she will be gone until Feb. 5th and shipping may be somewhat delayed. Also with the bombardment for us she may be more behind that she wants to be....patience we need to have they will get here.....

                In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                  Pam7040 Been there done that I keep getting sent back here Does anyone know how wide to cut the strips I could be doing that Coudn't I? Do all of you have your triangle papers? jean082

                  In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                    Originally posted by jean082
                    Pam7040 Been there done that I keep getting sent back here Does anyone know how wide to cut the strips I could be doing that Coudn't I? Do all of you have your triangle papers? jean082
                    For Edyta's foundation papers, cut your fabric 6-1/2" x about 21" (half of the width of fabric off the bolt). All four edges will be trimmed after the bias seams are stitched.
                    Watch her video (Episode 802) to see exactly how she does it.

                    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                      Originally posted by jean082
                      I have already paid for papers Am I going to get them Quilting And Whatnot does not work If I had known it was OK to print them I would have only ordered one set Is this going to work I am not getting in a panic but like others I don't have all the time in the world jean082
                      The correct website for the free HST paper is http://www.quiltingandwhatnot.ca/Hal...-Triangle.html

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        Originally posted by NancyinSTL
                        Originally posted by jean082
                        I have already paid for papers Am I going to get them Quilting And Whatnot does not work If I had known it was OK to print them I would have only ordered one set Is this going to work I am not getting in a panic but like others I don't have all the time in the world jean082
                        The correct website for the free HST paper is http://www.quiltingandwhatnot.ca/Hal...-Triangle.html
                        I used these. They printed perfectly sized.
                        I did not want to fool with labels. I wanted to my HST papers printed with my address on them on them.
                        I created a Word document with my city and state, repeated in columns, all over the page.
                        Then I put my printed HST papers back in the paper tray. I printed over my HST print-outs with my city/state Word file.
                        You end up with HST papers with your address printed on them. Took about 15 minutes total.



                          HST papers When I first tried to go to the site (quilting and whatnot) I could not get it I have finally got on and printed the 2 in triangle it came out 75/8 wide I then tried 13/4 it came out 67/8 I think my PC and printer is having a problem Thanks for all your help I guess I'll wait for my parers to come in the mail If anyone knows how to change how the printer prints I'd appreciate it Happy Quilting


                            Originally posted by jean082
                            HST papers When I first tried to go to the site (quilting and whatnot) I could not get it I have finally got on and printed the 2 in triangle it came out 75/8 wide I then tried 13/4 it came out 67/8 I think my PC and printer is having a problem Thanks for all your help I guess I'll wait for my parers to come in the mail If anyone knows how to change how the printer prints I'd appreciate it Happy Quilting
                            Today's Daily Blog has a link to a new tutorial for printing foundations with no scaling!
                            Check it out here: learn/projects/

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Originally posted by JudithLee
                              I used these. They printed perfectly sized.
                              I did not want to fool with labels. I wanted to my HST papers printed with my address on them on them.
                              I created a Word document with my city and state, repeated in columns, all over the page.
                              Then I put my printed HST papers back in the paper tray. I printed over my HST print-outs with my city/state Word file.
                              You end up with HST papers with your address printed on them. Took about 15 minutes total.

                              What a cool idea!

                              I tried to see if I could use the Adobe Acrobat Reader's Version 10.0 Sticky Notes tool option to add and print names & addresses onto the triangle papers, to avoid having to feed the papers through the printer twice. Unfortunately, I could only get a summary of the Sticky Notes comments printed onto a separate Summary of Comments page. If anyone out there knows whether what I was trying to do is possible, please let us all know. I'm pretty certain that Adobe Writer has a way to accomplish this, but most of us do not have that software.

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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