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    OOPS!! ops: ops: I meant our Dear Distributing Debbie.

    Dillon, Montana USA

    "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


      Originally posted by NaneeWolf
      Originally posted by 2dogs
      Dear Counting Clara,

      Thank U, Thank U, for taking your "under the pressure time" to post the little story of your helpful DH.

      With that I will hold it in my bright spot of the day. This exchange, forum, posts is all a first for me.

      It is so interesting reading about the TALENT, creativity and time that US quilters share.

      Never enough words to say THANKS to the organizers and sorters.

      Dillon, Montana

      Terry...that was my DH, not Clara's. But Clara's Mom was definitely in the mix helping to seal packages.
      My hubby did help out. If he didn't watch our two boys so that I had the freedom to do the sorting they would have been running around having triangle wars. Thanks Mike. Clara

      P.S. Debbie, I hope your DH thumb feels better fast.

      "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."...quote courtesy of Dr. Seuss


        Thank-you to all the people that helped with this wonderful project. What a great way to bring quilters together!
        You rock!!


          Originally posted by WYGranny
          Thank-you to all the people that helped with this wonderful project. What a great way to bring quilters together!
          You rock!!
          Amen to that, Sister!!!


            Thank you so much to everyone who was involved - you are true legends!


              There were ssooooo many tubs of HSTs being stirred up.... It was almost like a Texas tornado !!!
              I thought receiving my HSTs back would be great !!! BUT sorting was better!!! I counted 28 HSTS in my sleep that night.
              Kudos to those that organized and to the crew that counted out all the little stacks !!!
              It was unbeliavble.
              It was surely a " Guinness World Record " moment. ;-)


                Originally posted by ClaraLawrence
                My hubby did help out. If he didn't watch our two boys so that I had the freedom to do the sorting they would have been running around having triangle wars. Thanks Mike. Clara

                P.S. Debbie, I hope your DH thumb feels better fast.
                Mind you I bet they would have had great fun mixing up the sorting tubs :lol:

                The only problem with child labour these days is getting a full days work out of them (or even half an hour sometimes) before they are bored :twisted: , and we aren't allowed to use the whip any more :wink:



                  Originally posted by PosyP
                  Originally posted by ClaraLawrence
                  My hubby did help out. If he didn't watch our two boys so that I had the freedom to do the sorting they would have been running around having triangle wars. Thanks Mike. Clara

                  P.S. Debbie, I hope your DH thumb feels better fast.
                  Mind you I bet they would have had great fun mixing up the sorting tubs :lol:

                  The only problem with child labour these days is getting a full days work out of them (or even half an hour sometimes) before they are bored :twisted: , and we aren't allowed to use the whip any more :wink:

                  Ah....the good old days!! :wink: Remember when elders were actually respected???

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    I just read Debbie's post from Tuesday morning, describing everyone's hard work. I'm overwhelmed and speechless! Time is so precious, and to give it as you have for this project is a very special gift to all of us. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible in Houston this year so that I can say "thank you" in person. In the meantime, thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who pulled this together. Ron


                      Hi, Ron! It is sooooooo nice to hear from one of the men who joined the SoTTT! I'm keeping my fingers crossed we didn't lose any of our guys in that approximately 10% attrition rate of the 615 count! :lol: :lol: :lol: Can't wait to see what's coming in my 1 gallon Easter bag! 8) Big bear hugs to Debbie and Clara and all their volunteers for making this project such fun and a huge success! We're all patiently waiting...while clinging to the molding! :lol: :lol: :lol:
                      Gresham, OR

                      P.S. Hey, Ron...I just checked out your profile and read you're in Chicago! I was born and raised there. Nice to meet you.


                        Just Checking my signature...


                          Hi, Shirley. Nice to meet you too! Yup - I work in the Loop and live on the lake not far from Wrigley Field. I've lived here for 13 years and just love it. Ron


                            Hi, Ron...I grew up on the Northwest side of Chic and my husband grew up about 1 mile from Wrigley Field! The world is getting smaller and smaller with all our latest technology! Chicago is a wonderful cosmospolitan city with a fantastic skyline (but then I'm biased about that topic!). I didn't get involved in quilting until we moved out to Oregon. Again, it's nice to connect with you and so many other wonderful quilters! :lol:

                            P.S. I'm almost doing cartwheels around my house because I got tired of typing my name and got my signature to work! Yeah! :lol: :lol: :lol:


                              Okay, booh, hiss! My signature showed up in the preview of my message but not when I submitted my post. What did I do wrong?


                                I guess I need to be patient and wait for the computer to bring up my signature, but why is my signature "code" showing up underneath my signature? Margo, HELP, PLEASE! :roll:


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