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Dee Christophers Color Theory Class - My Theme Fabric

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    Dee Christophers Color Theory Class - My Theme Fabric

    This is my theme fabric (2004) and I would like to use it in my border & backing. Does that dark black background limit my block background to black?

    Color Theory Lesson#2: I have very few printed pattern fabrics. I have divided into warm/cool stacks along with my theme fabric at the top.


      Millie, That is beautiful fabric and no, the black does not limit you to a black background.


        I decided on my theme fabric and finished the fabric pull. It was interesting to sort my fabric into warm and cool because I realized that I had a lot of cool fabrics but not many warm. I had to add more fabrics to my pull. I never feel like I'm finished pulling fabric when I'm working on a quilt and just keep adding more. I wonder if that's why. Looking forward to next week.


        • Dee C. commented
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          I like the theme fabric and your warms are looking good. Good job!

        What is the theme fabric that Dee is using?


        • Dee C. commented
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          I am using Eat, Sleep, Garden - Fresh Cut by Michael Miller in Teal.

        My focus fabric has a white background. Is that a problem and if not should I add white to the fabrics I pull?


        • Dee C. commented
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          It should not be a problem and you certainly could pull white from your stash because you may be able to use it in one of the blocks where it will not but up against the background.

        The selections from my stash are on both ends. My stash is organized using the 3-in-1 tool so it was easy to go through everything. I'm not sure I have enough lights for a background. I'd be interested to know how much background fabric I should have or is this too early to think about background?


        • Dee C. commented
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          Let's wait on the background. You could decide that now but I have some suggestions for how to choose that when we get to that point in the lessons.

        Thank you Dee for doing this class! I really got a lot out of the class 3. Do you match your fabric to the color wheel to help you decide what you need to add? When thinking of the pop or sparkle fabric is it always just a small splash of those colors? Will you show us how to know where to place them? I appreciate learning from you~


        • Dee C. commented
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          You are so welcome. I do use the color wheel to determine if I have the right fabrics. The spark is often just a small dose if it is a strong color. As we make the blocks I will be talking more about the spark fabrics and how to know what to place where. Always, if I have not touched on something you still want to know, please keep asking.

        Hi this is Noella, from Quebec,
        I took color theory in University a looong time ago. This is a great refresher course. Even better is that you’ll be applying the principals to fabrics!
        I’ve finally been able to log on properly to be able to post!
        Here are my colors. I might use white as a background, or the beige batik. These are all ice dyes that I just bought! Already I have found a perfect use for them. I’ll be supplementing the dyes with kona solids.

        After taking the colr shot and made it in to a grayscale I rearranged the fabrics into the color photo you see here.
        Last edited by Noella D.; 03-06-2022, 12:19 AM.


        • Dee C. commented
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          Good work. If you look at the grayscale you might see that they are mostly in the medium to medium dark range with a grouping of lights. You might want to add a few more darks and med darks and lights. Your colors are very pretty.

        Dee, there are several forum groups with the Color Theory heading. Which one should we use? I posted my fabrics last week in another one (not this one).


        • Dee C. commented
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          I am going to have to check this out with someone because I am not seeing what you are.

        I am enjoying the color theory classes and have selected my fabrics for a little girls throw quilt. The two photos show them in color and in black & white. I don't plan on doing a sampler-block type quilt but rather am planning to do a "Strips n Curves"(Louisa L. Smith) type of quilt. Perhaps the pinks for one strip set and the greens/turquoise for the other strip set. With the new tips I'm learning it will be fun to apply to this project.


          Here is my monochromatic block. I'm pleased with it.
          Last edited by Sharlet M.; 03-15-2022, 10:29 PM. Reason: See photos in my post below.


            Here are the fabrics I've chosen and the first block. I'm just learning how to use the forum so sorry for the two separate posts.


              Here are two of the nine inch and two of the three inch blocks. I think I have to get some more of the light colors because the red is reading that I have two mediums and one dark.
              Last edited by Cindy D.; 03-16-2022, 02:17 PM. Reason: I am not seeing my picture. I must be doing something wrong. Any suggestions?


                I am having problems uploading my picture. I upload the attachment then it asks me what size I want. When I chose the size nothing happens. Suggestions please!


                • Dee C. commented
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                  Choose the medium size and then enter to post. If this doesn't work I will check with our tech person.

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