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Sue Garman passing

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    Sue Garman passing

    Well, as many of you know by now our dear Sue Garman has passed away and is now with her husband. I only wish I had a chance to meet her.

    I cannot begin to say how much this woman influenced my love of applique and strive for perfection in quilting that she seemed to achieve. We, thankfully, will still have the TQS show with her to watch over and over again. Thank you Sue for sharing your love of quilting with us. I will do my level best to make this last BOM the best ever!!

    Fondly, Sharon in Colorado

    Truly a huge loss for the quilting community!!


      A very impressive and prolific quilter, peace be with you Miss Sue. Thank you TQS for having her as such a big part of the show, so we all got to know her a bit.


        Sue's videos and lessons through TQS took me from being a very new, not so good quilter, to someone that found out that I COULD do it if I followed Sue's directions to the letter. I just felt like I knew her. Several years ago I fell in love with a quilt she featured in one of her blogs that had been in her local quilt show. When I inquired about the quilt, I got an immediate response from her. She had gone to the trouble to call the quilter and get permission from her to share her contact information. How kind of her to take time to help me with that! Blessings to her family.


          Totally overwhelmed by Sue death like many others everything i kniw zbout quilting i learnt through her BOM's in TQS, huge loss.

          Taree NSW - Australia
          My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


            A great loss to her family and also the quilting community. Like all of you I feel I learned so much from Sue by doing her BOM Ruffled Roses - a baptism of fire. Since then with every quilt I make I always ask myself "what would Sue Garman do?" Her like will not be seen again.


              Sue was a gracious and warm person, and she had a big influence on me. I made Stars for a New Day, and Ruffled Roses, and learned so much from her careful directions. (Stars for a New Day is actually featured in my avatar photo) She spoke at our guild a couple of years go. I was so impressed, at our show and tell, that she stood in the back and took pictures of the quilts we had brought. I know she suffered so much, and am saddened at her passing. There truly won't be anyone like her again. May she rest in peace with her beloved Jack up among the stars. Kathy


                A star of the quilting world, an amazing teacher and prolific, talented artist, a true legend, who always encouraged other quilters to stretch their minds and imagination with "what ifs" in addition to emphasizing the basic tenets of "measure, cut, press, stitch accurately!" A tremendous loss to her family and the quilting community but how fortunate we were for her tutelage and support through this venue as well as more widely through her personal blog (http://suegarman.blogspot.com/).


                  Sue's passing is a sad loss for the quilting world . I will remember her skill and designs with joy !


                    I feel beyond sad at Sue's passing, as like so many others on TQS I felt that she was my friend even though we never met. I learned so much from Sue both from TQS and from her blog, as she was not only immensely gifted in creating she was also a wonderful generous teacher. I will pray for her children and family who must be bereft at the loss of Sue and her husband Jack in such a short space of time. May Sue Rest in Peace with her beloved Jack.


                      My heart aches for the loss of Sue. She taught me so much and with such enthusiasm and camaraderie.

                      I wish grace and peace to her family.





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