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January 2010

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    January 2010

    OK, folks! We start another great star quilt called STAR CRAZY, but this is not quite as ambitious as last year. Once again, I was able to pre-test Sue's patterns, and once again, I made many changes from hers. My palette is neutral so value was more important than color for me. If you are interested, you can see how I worked on this quilt in my Webshots tutorial here:
    and here:

    Sue and I are looking forward to seeing what colors you decide to work with!

    If you have questions and/or comments, please post them here so we can work them out together.


    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !

    I had decided not to do this BOM and concentrate on some others that I let slip while doing the 2009 BOM .And then I saw your neutral version and you hooked me .Love it. First the healthy changes ( great idea) and now this.You are amazing!!!

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !



      I just love your finished quilt in neutral colors. How long did it take you to do? It is absolutely terrific that you have posted your pictures and instructions, and this should be most helpful to me. I love bright and warm colors, so I shall have to to view the instructions and decide on my color scheme.
      Cheers, Lou

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        I'm getting quite ambitious and am going to try both of them. I have four grandchildren in their teens and decided to start making wedding quilts now when - I hope - there's no rush. Jan

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          I love the neutrals!! Do you think a slightly confident beginner would be able to do this one? I love it and certainly want to give it a try but if I should I could follow along and finish it once I have more experience.


            Originally posted by ccivis
            I love the neutrals!! Do you think a slightly confident beginner would be able to do this one? I love it and certainly want to give it a try but if I should I could follow along and finish it once I have more experience.
            I would go for it if I were you. The only way you can improve and get experience is by doing. From what I can see on this quilt, the stars are made up of half square triangles. If you know how to make them, you can make this quilt. If you don't know how to make them, you will know how after you have finished this quilt.

            Diane in Colorado Springs


              Margo, what a fantastic tutorial you provided! I don't have time to do this right now but I sure want to.

              One question: did you use a basic zig-zag stitch? It appears so but I wasn't sure.

              This would be a great way to practice with my new machine--maybe I'll be ready after tax-season.

              Thanks for all you for our wonderful community!


              North Alabama, USA
              "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                Thanks for the kudos everyone!

                Lou, I was on a short timetable to get mine done, but it's an easy project if you just do the amounts that Sue sets up for us to do each month.

                Jan, these are great projects to work up for your Grands!

                Cathy, Diane gave you good advice! A confident beginner can absolutely do this quilt, and when you get finished you will be a confident intermediate! :wink:
                Find a method that works for you. Maybe Sue's paper piecing, or my starched method, or something else that you enjoy.
                The most important thing to remember is that this quilt has a LOT of pieces, but if you measure, cut, stitch, and press PRECISELY it will all come together. ALWAYS CHECK THE MEASUREMENTS OF EACH FINISHED BLOCK! If it's not what Sue's directions say it should be, find out why it's wrong and correct your technique before you go on. You might want to take my seam allowance "test" before you get started! It definitely makes a difference!
                Test your seam allowance here:

                Barbara, after seeing Libby Lehman's video, I've started using a regular (narrow) zig-zag for machine applique. Like she says, the blind hem stitch (which I had used until then) has several stitches that don't do anything to hold the applique in place. The zig-zag just makes more sense! I often use a monofiliment (I've had good luck with YLI brand, and Superior's MonoPoly) or a very fine thread that matches the applique fabric.

                Good luck, everyone! I can't wait to see what everyone does.

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  I'm thinking I'd like to try this with jewel tones on an indigo background. I've got all the fabrics for another quilt I had planned about three years ago, but I have to accept now that I'm just not going to make that one! I was looking for something to make for the new year, and this BOM looks easy and fun!

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    Margo: Your neutal quilt is stunning! I was so glad to see that you used a variety of background fabrics, as I was considering doing this, and was not sure about how it would look. Good Job! :wink:




                        Jimmie, Look at Margo's original entry at the beginning of this thread for a link to her wonderful neutral version of this BOM...now I have to consider making two of this quilt (already have the kit, which I love), but also love the neutral version.....I REALLY need to retire so I can spend more time quilting! Nancy


                          I have decided to do both BOM's as I did not get to do last years. For the Star Crazy I am really going out on a limb and out of my comfort zone. I am going to go into my stash and just pull something out so this will truly be a scappy quilt. I will keep the background neutral but not all the same. this will help reduce my stash and help with the finacial side of life as well. it is also so great to have the expertise of both Sue and Margo. finding TQS last year was the best thing ever. Keep up the good work


                            just an addit to my last post Is there anyone from downunder attempting these quilts I would be interesred to know


                              Hi Rondie

                              I haven't decided if I will do this BOM. I am almost finished the 2009 one (hopefully I'll get it finished today) - and I have a couple of projects I need to get done before I could start it. So I probably will - but I won't be starting it in January.

                              Karen - Newcastle, NSW


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