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Month Four (April) Ruffled Roses

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    I finished Month Four of Beloved Beauties. I decided to put a piano key border on it. I love the way it turned out. I'm hoping it won't fight with the final piano key/swag border. I guess I will just have to wait and see. I have posted a picture in the BOM Show and Tell.


      Janice--it looks great.


        Janice, your quilt is coming along beautifully! I really like the way that the strong geometric lines and the softness of the applique compliment each other.

        from the Piedmont of North Carolina



          Your top is gorgeous. I love the border you used. I did the 4 patch and after taking out my floater a couple of times until I got it right it's done. I also did the pieced swag for this month and am proud to say that it measues 11x7 as per intructions. I now know that just because a foot says it's 1/4" that doesn't mean it is so. I know what 1/4" is on my machine and am enjoying piecing again.
          Upstate NY

          from the Piedmont of North Carolina


            I posted a picture of my month 4 in the BOM Show & Tell. I'm liking how this quilt is coming together. You are all doing such a nice job on your BOM's and I love how so many of you are altering the original design. What a creative group!!

            Woodbury, Minnesota, USA
            Longarm quilter - Gammill Statler


              Hey Mary! It looks wonderful!!

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Mary, your quilt looks fabulous!

                from the Piedmont of North Carolina


                  Mary, it is so nice! This quilt is just so enjoyable....to make, and to look at.

                  from the Piedmont of North Carolina


                    All of the quilts are looking great. I wish my month 4 was done. We had a power outage for the day so I had to replan my day and took time to cut all of my pieces. You wouldn't believe all of the things you can do without power. I stayed busy all day: prepared paperwork for my quilt show entries, cut fabric for a workshop that I signed up for at the last minute with Maggie Ball on Wednesday, wrote several pages of instructions on my workshop quilt, pinned the blocks for my Judy Neimeyer quilt together in pairs so they are ready to sew, chatted with my mom and sister, and an hour after the power came on I decided it would be a good time to defrost the chest freezer since it was already half done and we still have that extra refrigerator in the house so there was plenty of space for the frozen food. It's now restocked and I hope my back isn't sore in the morning and I can get back on schedule.


                      Annis, sounds like you were making lemonade out of lemons!

                      from the Piedmont of North Carolina


                        We had a similar outage, so I cut fabric and Stable Stuff, and did lots of glueing for my flowers and swags. Then played a game with DH for a while, and heated some soup on a camp stove for lunch. It was kind of fun. The not fun part was that we also did not have water, as we are on lake water that requires power at the pump house. No showers, or flushes!

                        In beautiful Northwest Montana


                          No water! That doesn't sound like fun. You have to keep it in perspective. What made it easy for me is my DD has been without power 3 different times since she came home with her newborn including all day yesterday and her toddler is afraid of the dark. And there are a lot of people in Japan without water right now. No complaints from me. No backache either, just slight soreness in my right arm. Now to get on with my life. I'm hoping for some free time this weekend to work on my border.


                            Well, it is all taken apart and put back together--so now I have to do month #4.


                              Ritzy, that looks great!


                                Ritzy, It's beautiful!

                                In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


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