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MONTH 11 -- Ask Questions Here

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    MONTH 11 -- Ask Questions Here

    Please use this TOPIC to ask questions about Month 11.

    NOTE: My blog for Month 11 will go up Sunday October 27, while I am in Houston. The pattern will be released a few days after that but you now have everything needed for Month 11, the outer fan borders.
    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson

    On page 5 of Month 11, where the applique borders are added, Jen says she filmed a little segment with Alex and ricky on quilting embellishment. I can't find any link to this film. Can you tell me where to find it?
    I haven't started the quilt yet but I like to have everything to hand before I start so I know where I'm going.
    Charlene Cairn
    Queensland, Australia


    • Barbara B. commented
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      The only video Jen did for this quilt is her show, #3401. It is FREE to all through the end of this year.

    • Charlene C. commented
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      Thank you Barbara, I'll look it up.

    HI, I’m new and just starting the Pick a Petal Quilt. I have watched most of the monthly videos and can’t wait to start. Is it possible to find out if someone who has finished would like to sell their acrylic templates? Please let me know if this is allowed. Thanks in advance.
    Margaret Kooda
    ID, USA
    Margaret K.


    • Elizabeth A. commented
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      I am willing to sell. Are you still interested. Liz Anderson

    • Barbara B. commented
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      Elizabeth A has offered to sell you hers. Provide a way she can contact you so you can “seal the deal”.

    • commented
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      Elizabeth A. Yes!! Thank you I am interested. I will pay your original cost plus shipping. I don’t know how to contact you directly. My email is [email protected]. It took me a half hour to figure out how to reply to you. And this is the only button I found.

    As I don’t need another wall quilt….. thinking about changing the the configuration and making it for a bed.
    Elizabeth Anderson
    Cadiz, KY  (near Paducah)


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Sure, just keep adding additional borders until you have the size you want.

    I need to make a few more fans for the last border and I can’t find the paper piecing pattern I used before. Where is the download?
    Sally Gould Wright


    • Barbara B. commented
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      In Month 2 Documents and Patterns

    Some many weeks ago I submitted a comment regarding the non-availability of photos appearing on members' various posts. I realize that Barbara has popped in a couple of replies, stating that the matter is under control and should be resolved soon. I'm unable to locate my original post relating to this issue, but I know it was quite some several weeks ago. "Resolved soon" does not appear to be happening and it is most disappointing that this malfunction in the system has not be addressed and corrected. When can we look forward to a resolution? My apologies for placing this query on the forum, but there seems to be no way of contacting "The Quilt Show" powers that be, other than by telephone. I live in Australia and, with time changes, etc., that method of contact does not help me. Updated advices would be appreciated, with thanks in advance.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Your frustration is understandable. The “powers that be” are very much aware of the issue and continue to work with the website people to resolve it. I have made sure they see your post here today.

      You can always email [email protected] for specific issues and assistance with your account.

      No one is more frustrated with this than me. I will tell the world as soon as this is resolved.

    No idea if I'm writing this in the correct area--but couldn't find anywhere else! I can't seem to view any of the photos of Pick a Petal in the Gallery or the Forum --I am signed in, I have looked and looked and clicked on any and everything I can find. I'd love to see what others have done as I'm in the home stretch on mine. Thanks for any help--Connie


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Connie, there is currently a problem with photos being visible on the Forum. All efforts are being made to get this corrected as soon as possible.

    Hi Barbara, Margaret K here. I was able to reply to Elizabeth A. under my post about selling templates but is there a way to private message a member to contact them directly?
    Margaret K.


    • Barbara B. commented
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      Yes, there is. Click on their name, it takes you to their profile. There you find the Private Message button. Easy. She will get a notification she has a Private Message.

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