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PRINTING Accurate template sizes

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    PRINTING Accurate template sizes

    Some people are having printing issues with the Month 1 template page. Suggestions:

    1. Print from a downloaded file on a computer
    2. Set Printer to Actual Size
    3. Tell printer you are using A4 paper AND add 2-3" of extra paper at the bottom of the letter size paper. OR use a piece of Legal size paper, which is 14" long

    4. Compare your templates to this photo which shows the correct FINISHED measurements--these measurements DO NOT INCLUDE THE SEAM ALLOWANCE:

    Template A 3.75" dot to dot -- add your own dots at each corner
    Template B 2.25" dot to dot -- fan blade length
    Template C 1.5" dot to dot -- fan handle side
    Template D 8" dot to dot -- background FINISHED SIZE of half the background
    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson

    Originally posted by Barbara Black View Post
    Some people are having printing issues with the Month 1 template page. Suggestions:

    1. Print from a downloaded file on a computer
    2. Set Printer to Actual Size
    3. Tell printer you are using A4 paper AND add 2-3" of extra paper at the bottom of the letter size paper. OR use a piece of Legal size paper, which is 14" long

    4. Compare your templates to this photo which shows the correct FINISHED measurements--these measurements DO NOT INCLUDE THE SEAM ALLOWANCE:

    Template A 3.75" dot to dot -- add your own dots at each corner
    Template B 2.25" dot to dot -- fan blade length
    Template C 1.5" dot to dot -- fan handle side
    Template D 8" dot to dot -- background FINISHED SIZE of half the background
    Thank you Barbara, I just took a screenshot of these measurement and will head down to my sewing room to measure my
    copies. You are the worlds best trouble shooter. HelenW


    • commented
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      Thanks for sharing!

    Barbara, Your dot to dot measurement were exactly correct on my printed template page with the bottom
    line cut off. Hooray!!! Peace of mind. HelenW
    When I changed my printer to A4 it said it would print a page based on 8.27 x 11.69 inches. Not good.
    I printed the screenshot of your dimensions and it cut the top part off. Part of your face in the little square
    was cut off. My template page that I measured was based on US Letter for 8.5 x 11 inches. And it was perfect
    for your dot to dot measurements
    Last edited by Helen W.; 01-03-2024, 10:18 AM.


      I concerned with the need for accuracy and would prefer the acrylic templates. will they be available? If not , what is the best means of putting in the holes in mylar template?
      probably not the correct spot for this issue, but I am new and presently very frustrated. I am late to the party, no book (Quilt Recipe) to be had, or templates. Will this be rectified. thank you.
      Vicky Anda
      Last edited by ; 01-03-2024, 05:54 PM. Reason: forgot to. sign my name


      • Barbara B. commented
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        More templates have been ordered and are expected in about two weeks. They will sell out quickly so i recommend you go to the SHOP and ask to be notified when they are back in stock.

      Tried all your suggestions but part D is still measuring 7.75 all others are also short.


      • CAVU commented
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        I’m having trouble with that measurement too

      • Sheridan D. commented
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        I did have this problem on another pattern. I have a Brother printer and as Linda commented above, mine had to be set at 103% to be right measurements. My husband printed to the same printer from his computer and it was fine. I deleted the print driver and reinstalled it. My problem was fixed. Maybe worth a try.
        Last edited by Sheridan D.; 01-04-2024, 03:34 AM.

      • Pat commented
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        I also had size problems with the template page. I resized up at 1% intervals until I got the correct size at 103%. I printed with setting on US size letter but put US legal size paper in printer. Thanks to Barbara's measurements photo and post, I am ready to continue! Thank you all for sharing your fixes!

      I have downloaded the file into Download on my Windows computer, opened the file in Adobe Reader and the subsequent printed page has the correct 1 inch square measure. My previous printing problems were from trying to print from the image on the screen, instead of from the downloaded file.


        Troube with printing sizes... I asked Mr Google for some clarification of A4 and US Letter, often just called letter.
        A4 is narrower and taller than Us Letter. See the attached photo for mm and for inches. Internationally the standard
        is A4 , but the United States and Canada use US letter size paper. My my copies were cutting off the bottom
        line when set to A4 or to US letter. Go figure that one out. But Barbara saved my day when she measure dot to dot.
        My dot measurements were perfect. I included her measures in a photo below. CLICK ON PHOTOS TO ZOOM THEM
        AND SEE THE WHOLE PHOTO. Hope this helps.HelenW


        • Barbara B. commented
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          Great visual, Helen. Would you please send me the Template page photo so I can add it to the Month 1 blog? I can’t save your photo from this post.

        Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
        I have downloaded the file into Download on my Windows computer, opened the file in Adobe Reader and the subsequent printed page has the correct 1 inch square measure. My previous printing problems were from trying to print from the image on the screen, instead of from the downloaded file.
        Correct. Don’t print from the file “View”, always print from the file Downloaded to a computer for best results.
        Barbara Black
        Huntsville AL
        "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


          Thank you Sheridan D and Lehab375. 103 did the trick! I will also try reinstalling the print driver for the future.


            I updated my Month 1 blog to include the photo Helen made so pretty:

            Barbara Black
            Huntsville AL
            "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


            • Helen W. commented
              Editing a comment
              Thanks Barbara, I am one of those people that do best with
              visuals, and with my eyesight big is always better when I have
              to read something. HelenW

            UPDATE-- Page 6 of Month 1, the Templates page, has been adjusted to move the 1" scale box up within the margins of Letter size paper.

            Downloaded to my desktop it prints perfectly.
            Downloaded to my Ipad the box is 3/4", way too small.

            Be sure to double check all the sizes before you create your templates, using the photo above. I have included that same photo on my Month 1 Blog:

            Barbara Black
            Huntsville AL
            "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


              When I downloaded and tried printing from my iPad, the templates were too small. I could not find an option on my iPad to print at actual size. Instead I printed the template from my laptop computer, and the templates were the perfect size.


              • commented
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                Thank you for the great suggestion. I went to my daughters laptop and it came out perfectly. A little inconvenient though. Hopefully our iPads can work in the future!!!

              I was unable to buy the templates because I waited too late, but I did purchase Karen Kay Buckley’s heat resistant template plastic. I was going to trace the pattern onto it, but I watched Karen’s video and she said how they work in a printer or copy machine. I tried it out and mine printed perfect! Now when I cut them, there is less chance of an error as with tracing.


                I'm late to the party but I found that printing the template sheet and then copying it at 5% larger gives an accurate 1" square. Hope this helps.


                  I’m still having trouble with printing. Is there going to be more templates available for purchase?


                  • Karen C. commented
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                    I have found that when I print from our desktop computer (Microsoft platform) that when the PDF print dialog box opens that often under the Paper Sizing & Handling options the default is set to "Fit" so you want to make sure that "Actual Size" has been selected. When I print from my MacBook Air, I also make sure that for the "Scale" option is set to 100%. The printer dialog box on my Mac is not the same as the one for Adobe on Microsoft.

                    Adobe has a help section for printing Adobe PDF files, here is the link: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/usin...ing-tasks.html. Look at section Printing > Basic PDF printing tasks.

                    The other things that you can check is the default set up for your printer on your desktop under system settings and on the actual printer. I use a Cannon printer and adjusted the settings there too. If I am not sure about a setting I want to adjust, I always go to the Cannon web site and use the on-line manual for my printer.

                    I am not sure if this information might help you with printing your templates or not but I hope it does. This is what I do and I have not had any issues with printing the templates, the square is always 1".

                  • Barbara B. commented
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                    No. They were offered four times then the manufacturer said there would be no more available this year.

                    Good tips were just posted to help you with printing issues. I hope they help. Printing problems are almost always an individual thing so it is hard to know what is happening with your printer.

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