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Month 2 -- Ask Questions Here

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    Originally posted by lundebtate View Post
    Dear Barbara
    Is there any possibility that this beautiful quilt can be made Quilt As You Go? If so, how would you break it down?
    Would you do the center square and treat the rest as adding borders? Thank you so much.
    Barbara L. This photo is similar to what Barbara Black mentioned above. Are you using the kit? Depending on the method of
    Quilt As You Go you need to keep in mind that you won't have extra if you run into problems. Have you done QAYG before?
    If this is your first go at it, it would be risking a big project if you run into problems. The thing I found on one QAYG I did is that
    the sections I prequilted ended up different sizes because the density of the quilting was different in the different blocks.
    It was a hard work around. You probably would not run into that with this layout. Your outside corner applique would
    need to be added after the pre quilted borders are attached to make the whole top. I am just throwing out a few things
    that came to my mind when I read your question. HelenW
    Click on the picture to enlarge it.


      Fabric for circles:
      on the wider fabrics, that will be used on other months, do I cut them long strips or use a piece from width?


      • Barbara B. commented
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        Cut as much fabric from the strip as you need to make the circles needed for Month 2, anyway you want to cut it. There is plenty of each fabric in the Kit.

      In Month 2 instructions (pg 3) I find circle B requires making 4. When I look at the placement diagrams, I count 9 labeled B, times the 4 blocks equals 36 B circles needed. Am I missing something?
      Deb B


      • Barbara B. commented
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        More are made in Month 3.

      • Carol G. commented
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        I noticed that too

      Do I only attach the largest circles this month. Thanks


      • Barbara B. commented
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        The hollyhocks blocks are divided over months 2 and 3. Do only what the month 2 pattern directs if you want to follow the directions exactly. Some are making all the circles because we obviously know where they all go.

      Has anyone else had issues getting the 1 inch square to be 1 inch when they print? I have never had a problem before when I use either actual size or 100%. My squares were too small with either choice. My next choice on my printer is 110% which is too big, so I had to print everything out, then go back in & copy everything at 104%, which was the sweet spot for getting a perfect 1 inch square. I've printed things for years using actual and 100%, depending on how the designer said to do the printing & have never had any problems - this is a first for me & it has been very irritating. It's also a huge waste of paper. I print PDFclothing patterns without any problems at all - my 1 inch squares are always the correct size. I'm not sure what else to do now.



      • Barbara B. commented
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        You could try setting the paper to A4 size, the standard used in Australia. In past years some have found that helps. No one this year has reported having printing issues that I am aware of.

      I’m confused. We are instructed to make 4 template B with orange stripe. Where do we use them? There isn’t even enough to make the centers for the E circles


        Originally posted by vivianm View Post
        I’m confused. We are instructed to make 4 template B with orange stripe. Where do we use them? There isn’t even enough to make the centers for the E circles
        Look at photos of the quilt if you want to follow the sample quilt exactly. Those 4 were added to 4 E circles and added to each block--one B/E in each block. .

        The other answer: put them wherever you like.

        I showed how to find the photos on the Month 2 LIVE.
        Barbara Black
        Huntsville AL
        "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


          I finally figured out where the problem is between the written directions and the templates showing where to place all the circles. The directions say to use an A piece for the orange dot, but the templates show a B piece on top of each E, not one with a B and 1 with an A. If you use the A piece this month, you'll have to find somewhere next month to have a B instead of an A as we only got the correct number of pieces in the kits to do what it's showing on the template page. I have been working on this for days before I actually cut any fabrics as I couldn't figure out why my numbers of pieces weren't matching up correctly.



          • Barbara B. commented
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            That makes sense. I doubt most would even see that. Look at the template page, compare colors if you want to match the original exactly. Or use whichever color you want from the Month 2 fabrics, everything works fine together.

            And there is plenty of fabric. When I had a couple extra circles made I added them wherever they looked best.

          Good evening, I have not done any applique before either machine or by hand. . After watching the video you suggested by Alex and your blog I get the impression that no stitching should be visible. I rather like the stitching but would like to know the rules of appliqué. I have applique by machine the stems on the four 11 inch blocks and am preparing to do the circles. Should the stitching show or be nearly invisible wether machine done or hand done! What are the rules?
          Theresa Manning, quilter, Vermont


          • commented
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            I agree with Barbara. Do it the way you like it! I personally like using contrasting threads so the stitch shows. I use a blanket stitch on my machine. It then looks like embroidery. I much prefer that over the invisible stitch. It is your quilt. Do it the way you like it. Have fun with it!

          Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
          Good evening, I have not done any applique before either machine or by hand. . After watching the video you suggested by Alex and your blog I get the impression that no stitching should be visible. I rather like the stitching but would like to know the rules of appliqué. I have applique by machine the stems on the four 11 inch blocks and am preparing to do the circles. Should the stitching show or be nearly invisible wether machine done or hand done! What are the rules?
          First, there are no rules. Invisible or decorative stitching is entirely up to you and the look you want.

          Most traditional hand appliqué quilting strives for invisible stitching, using thread that matches the appliqué and small stitches.

          With today’s wonderful decorative threads and machines with almost infinite possibilities for stitching a lot of contemporary quilters use decorative stitching as another element of design.

          This is a project that allows you to try a variety of options to see which you enjoy the most. Why not try different techniques on the circles in Months 2 and 3? By the time we get to Month 7, the wide border with birds, hearts, flowers, etc, you will have a good idea how you like to appliqué.
          Barbara Black
          Huntsville AL
          "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


            To follow up on the earlier questions of B circles… we were on told to prepare 4. But if we are to add the centers we need 8 of them on top of the E …. I am going to look at the picture and just use that as my guide.
            Elizabeth Anderson
            Cadiz, KY  (near Paducah)


              I figured out the problem about the A B circles…. I think there is a typo regarding what to cut from the orange strip on page 3 of the instructions. It should read 8 of B and 4 of A. That’s what I ended up doing. I just wanted to make my post clearer. Also… my circles are not ‘perfect’ …. Oh well, I just won’t look closely at my quilt!!
              Elizabeth Anderson
              Cadiz, KY  (near Paducah)


              • commented
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                My circle aren't perfect either. I went around and around the foil and pushed over the edge. Oh well! They still look good! i am sure yours do too. They look homemade! I love that!

              I can’t find your blog? Help please.
              I was so afraid to make the stems. So many ways to choose. I decided to try the Clove in the kit. I had trouble cutting the strips Then I had an idea to cut the bias in 1 and1/2 inch and just cutting it in half. Works perfectly. I used my Acuequilt to cut strips


              • Barbara B. commented
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                My blog is https://bbquiltmaker.blogspot.com

                There is a direct link on the Introduction page to Homeward Bound and is included in the information about the Facebook LIVES I do each month.

              Help! Block 2 hollyhocks instructions for template B to cut 4 Orange. I counted 28 template B's that's 7 in each block. Hope I'm not overthinking this project. Thank you Sharon M


              • Barbara B. commented
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                See Elizabeth A’s post below.
                And more circles are made next month.

              • commented
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                I also had 4 orange that I did not need but I think mine were size A. Just put them aside or use a different size. It will look great in the end. I varied my colors slightly and like it just fine.

              I am using machine invisible stitch applique, but am wondering if I should use an iron on stabilizer on the back of the 10.5 inch square. I have noticed that when when I applique the stems I have slight, tiny little puckers. Not noticeable and looks like a mild tight tension issue, but I am afraid it may get worse when I machine applique the circles. I have a roll of QS Select Cutaway that I could maybe use, but I have not heard anyone commenting on the need for a stabilizer. What are your thoughts on this?


              • Barbara B. commented
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                I didn’t find the need for any stabilizer. You could try adjusting your tension to see if you can get stitches you like.

              • Helen W. commented
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                Colleen, I used a light weight tear away stabilizer and it is working great. Not sure if it would have been fine
                without it, but in the past when there is a lot of machine applique, it tends to draw the fabric so it does not lay flat. Not a pucker, just a little wavy looking. The type of cut away stabilizer that I have
                would have made it too stiff feeling where the applique is. HelenW

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