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Month 1 Blog Part 2 is Up

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    Month 1 Blog Part 2 is Up

    More information in Part 2 of the blog: preparing shapes, stitching, squaring up the finished block

    Barbara Black
    Huntsville AL
    "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson

    will there be a quilt tracing we can color before we begin?


      [QUOTE=Spruceitupquilting;n890543]will there be a quilt tracing we can color before we begin?[/QUOTE]

      Not a full size coloring. You can use the first page of each month if you want to plan out colors each month.
      Barbara Black
      Huntsville AL
      "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


        WATCH THE VIDEOS !! I am very familiar with PP with freezer paper, done lots of hand appliqué but still found the videos helpful- good reminders about straight of grain for triangles, info on the great light box from amazon (ordered!), and knotting fine thread on your needle, ETC. Barbara, your attention to detail is fabulous. Many, many thanks- Peg from central New Hampshire


          [QUOTE=MSHendel;n890555]WATCH THE VIDEOS !! I am very familiar with PP with freezer paper, done lots of hand appliqué but still found the videos helpful- good reminders about straight of grain for triangles, info on the great light box from amazon (ordered!), and knotting fine thread on your needle, ETC. Barbara, your attention to detail is fabulous. Many, many thanks- Peg from central New Hampshire[/QUOTE]

          Sweet Peg, you just made my day! Some have complained there is too much info so I was second-guessing how much to provide.

          Then the complaints come that there is NOT ENOUGH information-- can I change the pattern, provide a coloring sheet, count the number of leaves on the block?

          We never change a designer's pattern. I just try to explain the process.

          You are my FAVORITE person today--thank you so much for taking the time to post this. I agree with you: WATCH the videos, and Show 3001, and READ the blog posts.
          Barbara Black
          Huntsville AL
          "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


            I do not have the “1inch square” to verify printing at 100% on any of the 15 pages for month One. I am in complete STOP mode until a response so I can actually verify it is printed at correct size. Just add a square to one of the 15 pages so we can verify the size!
            A journey of a thousand quilts, begins with a single stitch…


            • Paula S. commented
              Editing a comment
              There is one on Barbara's dogtooth border. When you get that one to work all the other ones should need the same adjustment

            [QUOTE=MorningDove204;n890573]I do not have the “1inch square” to verify printing at 100% on any of the 15 pages for month One. I am in complete STOP mode until a response so I can actually verify it is printed at correct size. Just add a square to one of the 15 pages so we can verify the size![/QUOTE]

            Appliqué patterns rarely have a scale box. We do not change a designer’s pattern. To tell the pattern is the correct size tape or glue the full size pattern as indicated on the lines and measure it. This month the instructions say the block is 18” square (18.5” with seam allowances).

            Barbara Black
            Huntsville AL
            "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


              Should we be using a thin stabilizer on the background before we machine appliqué the design on to it? If so, do you have a recommendation?


                [QUOTE=Barbara Black;n890559]

                Sweet Peg, you just made my day! Some have complained there is too much info so I was second-guessing how much to provide.

                Then the complaints come that there is NOT ENOUGH information-- can I change the pattern, provide a coloring sheet, count the number of leaves on the block?

                We never change a designer's pattern. I just try to explain the process.

                You are my FAVORITE person today--thank you so much for taking the time to post this. I agree with you: WATCH the videos, and Show 3001, and READ the blog posts. [/QUOTE]

                Barbara, Maybe you have spoiled all the quilters that complain rather than just doing for themselves what they want you to do.
                You provide so, so much more information in writing and on videos than any other patterns I have ever used. Usually I just
                need to make due with what is provided in the pattern by the designer. Having this forum that gives lot of ways to get to the same results is so fabulous. For one, I appreciate all you do, more than you will ever know. And you make my day, every time I watch one of your videos, read you blog, or read you posts. Thank you. HelenW


                • Barbara B. commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Thank you, Helen. The positive comments outweigh the negatives and I remind myself the positives count four more than the negatives.

                  A common phrase today in our internet/YouTube world: people don’t read. Sad for me because I am “a woman of many words” who tries to explain things in detail on my blog.

                  Was it Will Rogers who said “you can’t please all of the people all of the time “?

                [QUOTE=Jebecker;n890600]Should we be using a thin stabilizer on the background before we machine appliqué the design on to it? If so, do you have a recommendation?[/QUOTE]

                Jane, I never have and see no need to do this. Print&Piece Fuse Lite serves as a stabilizer during machine appliqué. HelenW always uses a permanent interfacing with machine appliqué. Try both to see what works.

                if you get tight stitches without interfacing, adjust the presser foot presser and/or thread tension.
                Barbara Black
                Huntsville AL
                "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


                  I am going to use ultra suede for the tiny circles on Block one


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