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    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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    I hope you can help me. I know I'm very late in getting to this point but life is finally allowing...
  • Adding house numbers
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    Everyone's compasses are so colorful and unique. I made the pink one then redid it in purple. The pink fabric I bought at a different fabric store was a lighter weight fabric.


      Everyone's compasses are so colorful and unique. I made the pink one then redid it in purple. The pink fabric I bought at a different fabric store was a lighter weight fabric.


        Everyone's compasses are so colorful and unique. I made the pink one then redid it in purple. The pink fabric I bought at a different fabric store was a lighter weight fabric.


          Here is mine. I am going to think about it for a bit, but I will probably put a compass needles or the cardinal directions on it. Not sure which. I have also elected not to trim the circle until we do the roads to protect the bias edges.

          I am sure loving this quilt!!


            I made a 2nd one, not sure which one will make it into the quilt. Who knows, maybe an entire quilt of m compasses is in my future-so fun to make these


              I love that term....assertive pressing lol


                That is beautiful!


                  Originally posted by "NitafromNY" post=154369
                  Thanks, Helen ... good suggestions and I will give them a try.
                  Actually, I tried re-pressing my compass from the front. This time I pressed the right side and I used steam, pressing firmly. My compass now measures a good 14-3/8" all around, a mere 1/8" short. So I am optimistic that the 1/8" seam (as opposed to 1/4") should work out okay.
                  And thank you for your complement that my compass "looks great". I humbly agree. Accurate piecing is not necessarily my forte, so I tend to gravitate toward easy piecing or free form, contemporary quilt design. The only reason I was brave enough to tackle this BOM was that it was paper pieced and my past experience with paper piecing (traditional AND freezer paper) has been very satisfying. Not sure what went askew this time and I hope my houses measure properly. I would hate to think that this will wind up in the trash. Been there, done that ...
                  Nita. Glad to see Barbara is giving it the thumbs up on working out. You can always blame your printer. Seems to be the biggest aggravation so far in this project. I bet a lot of people wish a printed copy was for sale so they just needed to print the freezer paper copies from a size they was correct. HelenW


                    I only wish that I could blame my printer, but I can't. I faithfully check the 1" square for accuracy in printing out patterns and my printer is "spot on". I think some of the blame goes to my poor pressing techniques (guilty as charged) and I also think I might do better with a lighter weight thread. I tend to use 40 weight thread for piecing, but I have some 50 wt so Fine Superior thread and also some 60 wt bobbin line thread that I am going to try using on next month's block of houses..


                      Really enjoyed by first ever Mariners compass - I'm hooked with the freezer paper method.
                      Caroline Edwards
                      UK Quilter


                        Originally posted by "NitafromNY" post=154406
                        I only wish that I could blame my printer, but I can't. I faithfully check the 1" square for accuracy in printing out patterns and my printer is "spot on". I think some of the blame goes to my poor pressing techniques (guilty as charged) and I also think I might do better with a lighter weight thread. I tend to use 40 weight thread for piecing, but I have some 50 wt so Fine Superior thread and also some 60 wt bobbin line thread that I am going to try using on next month's block of houses..
                        Nita, you raise an important point--thread size is really important, especially with pieces that are small or have very sharp points---like the Mariner's Compass outer points.

                        I use Quilter's Select 60 wt in the top and 80 wt in the bobbin. The thickest thread I ever piece with is 50 wt--Aurifil or Masterpiece. Try a thinner thread for more accuracy.

                        North Alabama, USA
                        "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                          The compass made by jrgermain has inspired me to use additional colors from the CMW kit. What is the best method to cut the required fabric? Seems a strip of each color might be a wrong move. Should I cut the required block size from one of the WOF edges, leaving the remaining fabric?


                            Here is my compass and houses. I've had another idea, so might make another!!


                              Assertive pressing. That's great!


                                Finally have the compass done.


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                                • What I learned
                                  Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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