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    Looks good, Beverly. I did the HST exchange too, over 700 blocks. Still have a small bag with some leftovers.

    North Alabama, USA
    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


      Thank you Jupergee and Barbara. I have HST leftovers too, and the paper tags that were sewn in to the blocks I received. I treasure them - what a fun experience that was! I have not used the batik strip pieces from the next exchange yet, but they're treasured too. I've loved this site for a long, long time, and apparently so have you!


        Hi Beverly, my dear friend, your blocks are beautiful. I am doing raw edge machine applique on my BOM (shocking : hmy: ). I ordered the batting/wadding for the Hugs and Kisses quilt as the top is finished, and I will get it layered and quilted (I make it sound easy don't I Beverly lol). Hope you and yours are all well.
        Much love
        Pam xxxxxxx


          I've finished my May blocks and am working hard on the 9 patch blocks. I have 7 done and another 10 somewhere in the process. Using starch has greatly improved my accuracy, and using starch on the applique blocks has made them much smoother. I also participated in the HST exchange and have a lovely quilt from it, unfortunately, I can't find it! It must be around somewhere. I do have a photo of it, and will post it to my page here on the quilt show. Maybe some of your blocks are on there? My spreadsheet shows several Barbara's and Beverly's contributed to it.
          Ellen Lindow
          Plant City, FL


            Happy blocks, Ellen!

            North Alabama, USA
            "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


              Hi, Pemela! I can't wait to see your Hugs and Kisses quilt because I know it has to be so beautiful! I'm hand quilting/machine quilting (don't tell the quilt police!) a quilt I layered several years ago. We'll get all our projects done sooner or later, won't we? ellenceleste, I love your batiks. I think that's one of the things I enjoy so much about Edyta Sitar is that she uses both batiks and prints in her quilts.


                Hi Everyone:

                I hope you are all well. I finally finished my May Applique blocks. I'm all caught up now through June. I'm moving on to more double nine patch blocks and masks. Can't wait to do the July Applique blocks

                Beth Palluzi


                  I finished the May blocks last weekend. I was looking forward to new blocks in June and then remembered we already made them. Looks like June I'll be making more of the nine-patch blocks and working on more UFO's.


                    May appliqué blocks are done!


                      May appliqué blocks are done!


                        I'm up-to-date with my applique blocks including the ones for June and working on my Shoo-Fly and 9-Patch Blocks.


                          I love the fussy cutting in the upper left! It looks like that fabric was made for that block!


                            Sandytn, Love the black outline stitching. It really ties them all together. What kind of stitching is it? HelenW


                              Yay,finished May! And this is my wall, the bottom ones I made with the cutouts since I used squares of fused fabric after I traced the design. Since we already made the June blocks, may I suggest, if anyone in charge reads this, that you release the month 11a applique blocks. We have time now that we will not in November, just an idea. Loving everyones posts!


                                HelenW - It's embroidery and I think it is the outline or back stitch. I really like the way it gives it a finished work and hides my mistakes. There are some really great blocks and fabric choices being posted.


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