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Best inkjet printer for printing labels?

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    Best inkjet printer for printing labels?

    My Edson inkjet printer just died. I always make my quilt labels using Printshop software and printable fabric sheets.

    Anyone know the best inkjet printer for printing on fabric?


    Make that an EPSON printer!!


      Originally posted by "BethMI" post=146236
      My Edson inkjet printer just died. I always make my quilt labels using Printshop software and printable fabric sheets.
      Anyone know the best inkjet printer for printing on fabric?
      I definitely do not know which injet printer is the best, but maybe the approach I took for my injet printer will help.

      I went to a store with a large selection of printer/scanners (when I was looking, I used Fry's Electronics but I think this chain is closing) so that I had a large choice in a range of prices and a person who could help me.
      My list of needs included: option for 8.5x14" paper, ability to make a wired connection to network, ink cartridges that included a large black, under $150.00 and WHITE enclosure. The white enclosure narrowed down my choices.

      Now an opinion...ink jet printer marketing is just a scam to sell ink! The device is reasonable but the manufacturers charge a mint for the ink. And, ink is not created equal. I have tried the cheaper brands and the print quality definitely suffers.

      Hope this helps.
      Happy sewing,


        After some research, I purchased another Epson inkjet printer - Model XP-7100 for less than $130.00.

        It has a pretty small regular paper tray for 8 1/2 x 11 or 8 1/2 x 13 paper, but it has a second paper tray that takes smaller size paper - 3 1/2 x 5, 4 x 6 and 5 x 7 sheets (probably designed for photo paper). That second paper tray should allow me to run half sheets of my EQ Printable fabric sheets through the printer. (My last one wouldn't feed a half sheet, so I could not conserve my quilt label fabric sheets, and those suckers are expensive!)

        I ran my first fabric label sheet through today, and it worked great - fed smoothly and final result was good quality.

        I did learn that the reason my color (v black) printing on my labels tended to fade and/or bleed after washings. Only the black ink is permanent. The color inks are of a different type - water soluble. I had already pretty much stopped using color on my labels for that reason , but at least now I know why it happened.


          I have an HP printer, but I have had great luck with colored ink printed fabric sheets by setting the ink with a hot iron. Your might give it a try.


            i own 3D printer and it works amazing, but you should pay attention on type of ink you use. Okay, 3D printing really hasn't been a good experience in my life. Super expensive car with super expensive ink. And I just couldn't work with it because it was too difficult for me. In addition, my usual printer has stopped working due to the fact that he has a broken cartridge. I found this site www.mrdepot.ca where I could order a new cartridge online for my printer. I really liked this fantastic service with free and fast delivery! Of course I will use it again! So if you are still interested, you can check out this site for more information!


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