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Important Cutting Instructions for Block Corners

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    Important Cutting Instructions for Block Corners

    One of the Sunday Sew and Sews mentioned at our recent monthly meeting that she ran out of English Cream, one of the three background fabrics for the Cool Kit.

    We turned to Month 1 where the instructions for cutting ALL the Block Corners are found. She cut the strips 10.5" x Width of Fabric (WOF) as directed. BUT she DID NOT cut those fabrics into rectangles, 10.5" x 13" as described in the instructions. She started tracing her Block Corner Template directly on the WOF and ran out--she could only get 5 Block Corners from the WOF, instead of the 6 she would have gotten from 3 rectangles, each cut 10.5" x 13". (NOTE: I found I could cut the strips 11" x WOF, 11" x 13" rectangles--this gives a little wiggle room when the block is done--I trimmed it to exactly 20.5" square when done. Be certain you keep the curve exactly the size on the Block Corner Template.)

    Page 20 in the General Instructions clearly shows how the Block Corner Template is placed on the rectangles. I encourage everyone making this quilt to review the General Instructions from time to time. If you read them in January, before you started the quilt, things will make more sense now that you have been working on the blocks.

    The same is true for the videos. Most are short and I watch them from time to time--each time I see something that is a good tip I might not have remembered. Becky has put so much into this quilt, do take advantage of her expertise. .

    This quilt is like an advanced class in quiltmaking with a lot of Reference Material. It can't help us if we don't read it or watch the videos. And my Blog is intended to help too.

    My friend had to go online to find a similar fabric so she could cut the Block Corner she needed. I hope this will prevent others from a similar fate.

    When in Doubt, READ the Directions.

    North Alabama, USA
    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson

    Hi Barbara, For several reasons I was not able to start on my sizzle quilt until just recently. I finished Block 1 without a problem, however, I am just now wanting to add the corners and make copies of the pattern. I just discovered that I do not have all the instructions from Becky. When I printed them, I only got the first pages with the the color scheme and the pattern, that's it. I noticed on the corner pattern it says to refer to page 20 which I do not have. I do not know what to do now. This is the case with all my block instructions that I downloaded. Unfortunately for me, last year I put everything in a notebook to start later and did not realize I do not have a complete set of instructions from Becky. Since it has been over a year I can no longer have access to them at The Quilt Show.com web page. Can you please help me? I also have printed all of your instructions, but I don't see any info on what I need. Thank you so much for any help you can give me.
    Sheri Prince

    North Alabama, USA
    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


      Sherri, let me see if I understand your question.

      Throughout 2019 you printed all the monthly patterns for Sizzle. You did not print the 27+ pages of General Instructions and the 9 pages of Applique Instructions.So you do not have the corner templates. Do I have that right?

      I have good news and bad news. First, the bad. All that information is no longer available through The Quilt Show. The contract we have with the designer gives TQS exclusive rights to the pattern for one year only. In January 2020 Becky Goldsmith got all the rights to the pattern back for her use. The MOST IMPORTANT THING I CAN SAY ABOUT THIS IS--NO ONE can give you the information you did not print at this time. That is copyright infringement and we cannot permit that. It's a LEGAL thing, copyright violation is illegal. Period.

      The GOOD NEWS: Becky is working with her publisher to create this pattern for sale. She designed it exclusively for TQS and was happy to see all the great quilts made from her pattern, including some variations. I don't know what the timeline is for the pattern to become available--things are weird right now, obviously.

      I suggest you contact Becky directly--she is easy to find through her website and her blog. She might have an idea when the pattern will be available for purchase.

      In the meantime, if you have all the block patterns, you can continue to make them and will be able to add the corners when you can purchase the pattern.

      I am sorry you did not print everything when it was free. We mention this time and again for each Block of the Month--I wrote it in my blogs that support the Block of the Month. The patterns and all information from the designer are only free for the current year.

      For all Block of the Month programs--even if you aren't sure you might want to make the quilt "someday". print the instructions now, while Free. Do not rely on your hard drive--they do crash from time to time. Thumb drives go bad too. Call me old school--I like paper patterns if I might want the instructions way in the future.

      North Alabama, USA
      "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


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