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July block BOM, block #7

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    July block BOM, block #7

    Does anyone have the reason that this quilt block seems to be assembled differently from all the of previous blocks? We have been completing a diamond and then adding the wedge. This month shows us making 1/2 of a diamond, adding the wedge in between and then another half of a diamond on the opposite side of that wedge.
    Maybe I'm reading it wrong? Maybe it doesn't matter?! I'd love advice and help in tackling month #7.

    Yes, you are reading it wrong. My guess is you looked at the pattern page and thought this was the assembly method--it's not.The pattern page was created so all the pieces fit on one piece of paper.

    Follow the step-by-step directions on the blog I write and post every month. You will see this block is assembled exactly like all the others:


    Hope this helps.

    North Alabama, USA
    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


      Thank you so much! Yes, I understand now and I'm ready to tackle #7!


        Great--bet you zip right through this one!

        North Alabama, USA
        "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


          Well, I was humming along on block seven and as I started putting the sections together, I noticed that the outside edge of one of my iris pieces was cut short. The edge of the fabric was just a thread or two beyond the stitching line for the corner pieces. As I finished sewing the block together, I debated whether to repair this section or just chance it and pray that it didn’t ravel after the quilt was done. I decided to repair it. I ripped out the seam, cut a piece of iris to add to the section, sewed it and pressed the seam open and resewed the original seam. To my horror, I had put the seam allowance on the right side of the block! Yuck! I ripped it out again, and repeated the repair. As a test, I asked my husband to see if he could see where I had made the repair and he couldn’t! I’m glad I took the time to match the grain of the fabric and to make the repair.


            Pam, we all have occasional days like that, when nothing goes right. Glad you made the fix and all is well now. On to #8!

            North Alabama, USA
            "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


              I'm playing catch-up after a long break from Sizzle. On Month 7 and made an error in piecing one of the thin diamond halves. I apparently flipped the order of which fabrics went where, even after careful labeling. Didn't discover it until I had pieced the diamond halves together and went to assemble the block. Here's a picture of the block pieces pinned up on the design wall. I'm debating if i should recut the one diamond half and redo it, not sure if I have enough fabric left to do that. The way it is now, the dark part of the diamond comes up against the dark part of the wedge. Should I just leave it as is? Thanks, Kathy


                Hmm, tried to insert the photo, here it is:


                  I wouldn't change it. Now your kit version will be unique!


                    Kathy, I have studied this for 10 minutes and don’t see the “error”. Just leave it.

                    Isn’t this the kind of thing we love about antique quilts? Nothing wrong with your quilt that 100 years won’t solve.

                    I have a big OOOPs in one of my blocks but have to hunt to find it so it stayed put. Unless this is your masterpiece or family heirloom you want to represent your best work, I say “just leave it” and carry on.

                    North Alabama, USA
                    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                      Thanks for the input, I'm going to leave it as is. It loses the 3d look of the original but oh well, once it's finished, no one will know (except you all, of course!



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