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Month 9

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    Month 9

    :cheer: Finally finished half-square triangle units with foundation piecing method. A bit time consuming but had some allotted time to really concentrate on getting it done before we leave on vacation.

    Wow-wee you're galloping along beautifully.


      Wow you are good. I have only prepared my foundation papers! I really like how your quilt is coming along, it looks great.


        For all those who do not like foundation piecing because of having to remove the papers afterward, I have found a solution. I've been using Select Print & Piece by Floriani. It runs through the printer very nicely. Only had to print one at a time though through my Laser printer. I did a sample block and washed and dried it in the dryer. It came out very soft and no hint of the product in the sample. This has really saved me as I have neuropathy in my right arm and having to tear all those pieces of paper out caused a great deal of pain in my arm. I thoroughly recommend this product. It is easy to stitch on. Just remember to print in Actual Size.


          Alternatively you could use the Ricky Tims Stable Stuff.


            Originally posted by "dahlialady" post=138242
            :cheer: Finally finished half-square triangle units with foundation piecing method. A bit time consuming but had some allotted time to really concentrate on getting it done before we leave on vacation.
            Beautifully done!


              I decided to change things up a bit and made the month 9 1"-HSTs with the same off-white as month 7 (rather than 2 prints). This gives me a double sawtooth look and made borders 7-8-9 more of a single unit. Looking ahead, for month 10 I'm going to do 2 prints (instead of off-white) for the square-in-squares to give me a darker 2" band before heading into the LAST!! border of the off-white with appliqué flowers.

              I made the HSTs using full sheets where you sew a lot of diagonals, cut apart (yields 20 per sheet) and then sew them together in border strips (sewed these chain style to do 4 rows at once. Nice thing is there is not re-sizing. I printed these off the internet (check size before using). You should be able to use other products than paper like wash-away this way.
              I didn't have the directions with me and was mistaken how many I needed to make- I have way more than I need- I mean like another 150 1"-HSTs!! Guess a miniature quilt is in my future.

              I've attached a detail of the corner borders- it is getting harder to take photos as the quilt grows!

              Can't wait to see more photos, even if they aren't up to month 9. I like seeing all the variations as we each make it our own creation.


                It is really looking good!


                  Your storming through it beautifully.


                    Your quilt top looks great! I have done a similar plan with my Month 7-8-9 in that I have used the same fawn backgrounds with each border to create a wider border effect. I noticed on some of the finished quilts I have recently seen how to get a secondary effect from the use of light and dark backgrounds and foregrounds.Something I had wished I had seen sooner. But still I an happy with my quilt top as I started it as a challenge for myself this year. The challenge was to keep up to date each month with the other challenge now being patience as I piece all these little pieces and put them together.


                      Your quilt top looks great! I have done a similar plan with my Month 7-8-9 in that I have used the same fawn backgrounds with each border to create a wider border effect. I noticed on some of the finished quilts I have recently seen how to get a secondary effect from the use of light and dark backgrounds and foregrounds.Something I had wished I had seen sooner. But still I an happy with my quilt top as I started it as a challenge for myself this year. The challenge was to keep up to date each month with the other challenge now being patience as I piece all these little pieces and put them together.


                        Margaret, Love the center square! Is that a printed piece? a story behind it? Good design choice on the border colors for month 8- they echo months 5 and 6 and play up the concentric design.
                        Generally I am a quick quilter- happiest with fun, graphic patterns in interesting fabrics that can be done in about 2 weeks, then I'm off to the next project. It's more about fabric than the pattern. I signed up for this BOM to see if I could be disciplined about more complex techniques, smaller pieces, at slower pace and a sustained effort over a long time. Having a whole month to work on 1" HSTs is the only way I'd get this one done. I'm loving it, though. I like the history lessons along with the instructions and feel this quilt will be extra special because of its back story.


                          I found it also to be a real challenge with all those little pieces. Definitely not something for a beginner. Hope their next BOM is a little easier as I have other UFO,s I'm trying to finish


                            The center square is a Robert Kaufman fabric called 'Under the Australian Sun' designed by a local lady Leesa Chandler. I decided that if I was making an Australian quilt I should incorporate my stash fabrics and just other feature fabric to pull it all together. I am off next Monday to see the original Rajah Quilt which is on show at National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne. I am looking forward to inspecting the fabric, design and of course the stitching on the original quilt.
                            I usually work on my quicker quilts too. But after I finish working on each months border I try and work on something more relaxing - like another UFO or currently a tumbler block quilt thanks to an idea from Bonny Hunter from Quiltville. I am trying to use up my stash so I can buy more fabric :cheer:
                            I will be pleased when I am finished these little blocks too!


                              Lucky, lucky you to see Raja in person!
                              Have fun, P


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