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    Does anyone know who's "in charge" of the BOM? I don't think our voices are getting to the right people, but who knows who that would be.

    To this end, I just sent an email to Alex and Lilo. Hopefully, once they are aware, something will happen.

    In the meantime, my own personal attempt at this block will include reducing the pattern by copier as someone suggested.
    and oops ops: at least Lilo already knows there is an issue.


      I even sent an email thru the website's customer service section and was told that the BOM had its own Q&A section and to check there for an answer. I was not happy!!


        I have been in contact with the folks in charge and was told this would be fixed, but that was a week ago. I apologize to you all, but I will contact them again and see if we can get this fixed.
        Back to Quilting!


          Someone mentioned they cut the block and stretched it to fit - I tried that and if I overlap the basket handle slightly, it will fit - doesn't look too bad - sort of like I planned it that way. Just a thought if anyone else wants to try - I'm finishing it now before July starts.


            Thank you Janet! So appreciate your efforts in this and am loving this quilt.


              Hi all,

              We have heard your messages and have come up with what we think will be the most suitable solution to the corrections of the BOM patterns. When a correction is made, we will post a notice on the Daily Blog as well as on the Forum. At the top of the pattern package we will list the words Updated June 20, 2014. The bottom of each page in the package will also have this same date. That way if you select to only print out a page or two, you still have the most updated version.

              We will have the corrections for both the May and June pattern package up on the site shortly. We really appreciate you understanding in this.



                Good Morning:

                I tried a couple of things and the best for me was to reduce the size of the original N. I set my copier at 94% and that to me seemed to fit good enough. I was away this past weekend and have only now finished the assembly.

                Here is the picture. I am for the most part hand button hole stitching the letters so they are not as perfect as Janet's.

                My sashing is a bit off but I can live with that for now.



                  Denise, only you see those imperfections. I can't even see them when you point them out, your blocks look great, and thanks for sharing the tip about the letter size reduction.


                    I just cut off the top left hand scroll and I'm happy with the way it looks.......different but OK.


                      Hello all,

                      We have updated both the May and June BOM patterns. You will notice that we have added the text "Updated June 20, 2014" at the top of page 1 and the same statement at the bottom of all subsequent pages. This way, if you would like to only print out one page, you know you have the correct version. We will in future do this for any pattern corrections.

                      We will post an announcement in the Daily Blog/Newsletter and on the Forum when there is a new and corrected version. We hope that this will help to eliminate any confusion and frustration.



                        Thanks. Was the "N" fixed to be the same as the quilt?



                          Hello Andree,

                          Yes, we fixed the N to be just like the one in the quilt.



                            NEVER MIND. I must have caught it when it was updating.

                            aka ladyquilter

                            Troutdale, OR
                            <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress">http://www.sweetpeaz.com/wordpress</a><!-- m -->


                              Thanks, Lilo!



                                Thanks for the fixes, Lilo! I'm very far behind in making my BOM, these fixes will make catching up less painful!


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