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    Well, here it is, the end of 2022, and I finally have finished my 2021 BOM quilt! I apologize that the photo is not centered....
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    I have used this product from Beth Ferrier and C&T...easy to use for turned applique by machine. I found it to be soft
    and providing slight extra filling under them... a little less full than Stable Stuff and it is fusible which is handy. I haven't
    used it for paper piecing...I'm sure it would work tho' you'd have to work around the fusible.


      Originally posted by suehenyon
      Barbara, Annis suggested vellum tracing paper for paper-piecing. (see paper-piecing discussion for 2013 BOM). I have to tell you, it's changed life and with a 1mm stitch length, holds together with two stitchings :shock: and is extremely easy to tear away with no pickies in the corners.

      You can also see through it for great placement. Just something to consider. It's a whole lot less expensive than Stable Stuff.
      I had the same experience as Susan with the vellum. Until the current BOM, all my paper piecing had been done on generic printer paper. After doing about half the foundations for January, I tried the Office Depot vellum sheets mentioned by Annis in her post. They were much more user friendly than plain paper. They just don't leave the paper fragments behind like copier paper does.

      from the Piedmont of North Carolina


        I've recently used the EQ printable which says it can stay in the quilt. I liked the way it worked so far, tore out some of it, but not all, but I haven't washed it yet.

        "Neglect not the gift that is within you..." -1 Timothy 4:14
        Betty Jo


          I wanted to order some of the Ricky Tims Stable Stuff which is very reasonably priced at $9.95 per pack but unfortunately the shipping to Ireland was $45!!! I am finding that the costs of shipping from the USA have become so prohibitive in the last year. Does anybody know of anywhere in Europe that I could get the Stable Stuff?


            Originally posted by suehenyon

            At $15.95 plus shipping for 25 sheets, that could get very expensive depending on the project. It's fusible on one side.
            I got mine through Amazon for $8.36 from Beth Ferrier.



              I have just googled and found the following



              Hope that helps.


              In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                Thanks so much Pam. I feel really stupid for not googlng it properly myself. :roll:


                  Rita, I have used both companies that Pam is mentioning, and they have been fast and reliable.
                  From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                    You can get a 10% off card from Creative Grids which is very useful also if you phone them they are very helpful.


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