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Hand stitching

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    Hand stitching

    I signed myself up for a Laura Wasilowski that the guild is putting on this August. It's the Stitch After Fusing workshop and no sewing machine is needed. I have done a couple of bindings and actually like hand stitching the back side on. It is getting better but certainly not great. I would really like to practice some so as she teaches basic embroidery stitches I'm not completely awful at hand stitches. Any good videos or books I should look a?. It does not have to be about embroidery I just want to be more comfortable with a needle, thread and a thimble and some basic principles. Any help would be appreciated.

    If you go to the members blog section and search for Laura Wasilowski you will find stitches that she has been teach us from her blog. Of course, having said that, you could just go to her blog and see the short tutorials.


      See I wasn't even smart enough to try that. Thanks rizty!!


        You'll love meeting Laura. She has a lovely sense of humour, is very relaxed and an excellent teacher. Just go and have fun!
        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


          She is definitely entertaining and she will sing for you too!
          From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


            I'm so excited for the class, I signed up without even knowing what the class was about. It didn't matter to me, on the one quilt show she did she seemed like so much fun I just had to sign up. One question I looked over the lessons she has on the blog and she mentioned she just puts the thread though the quilt top and the batting. Does that mean the backing is put on later or I need to try and not put the needle through all the layers? If it is just the top and batting what should I do to keep them to stay together while stitching? I really am a complete beginner with stupid questions I know but the beginner's corner does say ask anything :?


              After taking more time and reading through her blog/lessons I learned about just using the quilt top and batting once everything is done put the back on and do the quilting. I had a lesson today with a quilting friend that's in my bee. It was fun and certainly with some practice I think I'm going to love hand embroidery. I'm really excited for the coming up very soon August workshop. Thanks for all the help!


                Tomorrow is the guild meeting so I will finally get to meet Laura!! Then Sat it's off to the workshop. I'm super excited!! I hope I can at least keep up in the workshop even If I can't I'm sure it will be fun and I will learn tons.


                  Be gentle with Laura. She mustn't get too exhausted. She'll be very busy at 'Festival of Quilts' in the UK next week (Where does that woman get all her energy from???).
                  From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                    If your going to Festival of Quilts and doing her workshop or even just run into her I'm sure it will be great time. I just finished the workshop and loved it. Her lecture was so much fun! The fabric kit we got was so beautiful you would never think hand stitching would be needed but really it is amazing the wonderful sparkle that it adds. The kids want the quilt to hang in their room and I can see being special anywhere in the house. I can't wait to start my next one maybe it will be one the circle quilts she did in Quilting Art magazine. Thanks so much to ritzy for introducing me to her blog.


                      I knew you would have a great time, Cathy!
                      From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


                        i had the same issue at the begin, but now i am much much better, even proud !
                        check Sashiko method (with concave sort of thimble on your base of the finger- difficult to explain but look at the book you will understand better). - that is my way, i love it.
                        the other way that can help check thimblelady regular stiching she has some thing for it to put you on track.
                        good luck
                        From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood


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