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Paper piecing sampler -- ask questions here

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    I finished my first six blocks. Pulled fabrics from my stash. Such fun, now on to the Pineapple blocks


      Originally posted by Jecreed View Post
      I bought vallum. It's transparent but it is too thick. What kind of vallum should I buy?
      Here is what is in the Shop, an excellent product.

      Barbara Black
      Huntsville AL
      "I am a part of all that I have met." A. Lord Tennyson


        Hi, I can’t seem to find the pattern page for the basket handle. I have the pdf.


        • Pamela S. commented
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          I don't think there is one. You just draw a line how you want it and them sew it on.

        • Wendy F. commented
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          I'm also looking for the handle template...I have the printed version of the book-- I found the template we used for the basket quilt sew along, and it works fine.
          Last edited by Wendy F.; 10-06-2021, 01:49 PM. Reason: additional information

        Does the pattern for the scrappy body of the basket seem way too big to anyone else?
        Pam K


        • Noella D. commented
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          Well it seemed to work when Alex did it this morning. I haven’t made it yet, I wanted to see all of Alex’s tips and tricks.

        • Debbie P. commented
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          I just did my block and I am thinking the same thing. I am using the 1st edition of the book so not sure if the template is too big or the square sizes they say to cut are too small. But I would like to know, what will be the size of the block before we sew it to the body of the quilt. Can anyone answer that question?

        Here is my block before sewing it together and it doesn’t look correct. Anyone have any comments or suggestions before I try to make a second one. I’m using the Paper Piecing book from 2002.


        • Pamela S. commented
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          I'm also using the book from 2002.

        • Pamela S. commented
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          Since Alex said in the video the handle part and scrappy part should be the same size when you sew it together, I ended up cutting my scrappy part to the same size as the handle part and it worked fine. Exactly the right size block. I cut 1 1/4 inch off the top of the scrappy bit.

        I just noticed in the book I’m using (2002) for the Samoler Quilt, page 45, it says the two pineapple blocks are 12”. The ones in the book, page 26 are only 8” so have I missed something. I seem to be caught up in a triangle of errors between the basket pattern and the pineapple pattern. Any comments on this to get me back on track.


        • Pamela S. commented
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          I hadn't noticed that, but you're right. The same is true with the New York Beauty. Is it just the 2002 book or are they all that way?

        • Pamela S. commented
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          I bought the download of the book for the patterns, so I went back and looked at the sampler in that as opposed to the old book. The sampler quilt in the new book is a different layout, and I think the blocks we are making will work.

        As I was cutting pieces last night … it said 2 squares at 2 7/8”. Then cut diagonally for the base. Should that be just one? Also….I think I’m going to make a template for the curve of the handle. Another question… is the handle place on the inside of the curve or outside. Thanks
        Elizabeth Anderson
        Cadiz, KY  (near Paducah)


        • Linda L. commented
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          I had the same thought on needing only 1 2 7/8 inch square.

        My handle piece 1”x6.5” seems way too long for the 4 7/8 hst that I’m trying to place the handle on. Not nearly enough background it seems. I’m going to have parts of the handle in the seam of the block. I’m working from the printed book. Says the block finishes @ 6 inches. Hmmmm


        • Debbie P. commented
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          I just drew where I wanted the handle and after sewing it on I cut off the excess. The book had us make one longer than needed.

        • Linda L. commented
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          Thanks Debbie P. That’s what I ended up doing too. Just seemed like there was much more background in the demo on the hst with the handle.

        • Alex A. commented
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          yup - there is extra for trimming - all handles are not created equal

        I posted this question on 10/5 and I still haven’t seen anyone submit an answer to my question. A little disappointed about that, because it makes me wonder is anyone really monitoring our questions.

        I just noticed in the book I’m using (2002) for the Samoler Quilt, page 45, it says the two pineapple blocks are 12”. The ones in the book, page 26 are only 8” so have I missed something. I seem to be caught up in a triangle of errors between the basket pattern and the pineapple pattern. Any comments on this to get me back on track.


        • Alex A. commented
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          This is interesting Debbie - because on my page 45 it says the pineapple block finished at 8 - do you have the first edition or second? A

        Originally posted by DebbiePryor View Post
        I posted this question on 10/5 and I still haven’t seen anyone submit an answer to my question. A little disappointed about that, because it makes me wonder is anyone really monitoring our questions.

        I just noticed in the book I’m using (2002) for the Samoler Quilt, page 45, it says the two pineapple blocks are 12”. The ones in the book, page 26 are only 8” so have I missed something. I seem to be caught up in a triangle of errors between the basket pattern and the pineapple pattern. Any comments on this to get me back on track.
        Debbie, I am not doing the project, and I don't have the book, but I would think you could compare the size of the square in a square with pineapple block in the photo of the quilt and figure it is probably 8 inches. Also, in one of Alex Live presentations she said the sew allowance
        was cut off because it would not fit on the page. The page is 8 1/2 inches wide so my guess is 8 inches.
        Your picture you posted looks correct. If you look at the pictures of other quilters in forum they look the same size as yours.
        Last edited by Helen W.; 10-10-2021, 07:04 AM.


        • Debbie P. commented
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          Thank you for your reply. But if you notice my next post you will see in the book I have it does show a 12” block and yes, the pattern in the book could only print out at 8”.

        This reply is to Alex. The book I have is from 2002. Here is a picture of the front cover and a picture of the block sizes for doing the sampler quilt on my Page 45. But since the block is only 8”, I’m good to go.


          I had trouble with the basket handle on the polkadot fabric I chose for the background of my first basket block -- the background puckered. After taking it apart, trying a second time, and getting the same result, I put it aside and moved on to the kaleidoscope blocks. Yesterday, I tried the basket block with one of the heavier fabrics in the kit for a background and it worked beautifully. Then, BANG! It hit me that maybe starching the polkadot background would solve the problem. It did!!! Those of you who are more experienced than I probably knew that, but I'm just thankful that I figured it out and wanted to pass the tip on to others who may have had the same problem.


          • Debbie P. commented
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            I had the same problem and finally said I will live with it. But now I will try a new one using some starch. But on Alex’s video yesterday, she did say the block size in 1st edition book was wrong. I wish they would of read my original post here on 10/5 to tell me that then since I was struggling with making the basket block. Oh well, I survived.

          My kaleidoscope block did not work. So I looked to see why. In the step by step instruction on page 31 the B block starts with 1as a light. On the page 32 block to print off and stitch on 1is a dark. Think this is my problem.


            Since I have an the original book, could someone please post what the actual size of each block is before we sew them together. I want to be sure to check my sizes before I start the final process of sewing them together.


              Just wondering what happened to all the earlier photos that were posted as the class was ongoing. Life happened and I'm just getting back to it. There were so many wonderful interpretations posted earlier. Where would I find them now?


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