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Birdhouse Quilt

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    If you are going to be doing a lot of applique a travel iron is wonderful to have. I needed a new one and found this Sunbeam 800 watt on Amazon for under $15 and it works beautifully. With this style of iron you can just set it on top of the applique and don't have to hold or push down which allows you to get the next piece ready. On Karen Kay Buckley's web site in her videos she says to let the weight of the iron do the work, no need to push down.



      After John mentioned adding a barn quilt to one of the birdhouses, I had to make a small block. I'm bummed that one of my red triangles in the center is off, but I might still use it (and I'm not above a little creative coloring to "fix" it a bit).


        Getting there, tomorrow flowers


          Originally posted by "cynaduq" post=154381

          After John mentioned adding a barn quilt to one of the birdhouses, I had to make a small block. I'm bummed that one of my red triangles in the center is off, but I might still use it (and I'm not above a little creative coloring to "fix" it a bit).
          Cynaduq. You could fuse a red triangle the correct size over the existing area and edge stitch all 4 red triangles and they might all look the same. Cute idea for the barn quilt block. I liked the idea when John said it too. HelenW




              Suzanne Chickite


                I took my quilt down off the design wall tol sew on the bottom border. When I was done, I found out the yellow bird had flown the coop, nowhere to be found. Then, a piece fell to the floor. It had been stuck to the back of my sleeve! I have now ironed all the birdhouses and birds in place.


                  One way to get that uncooperative pieced square onto a birdhouse is to reverse applique it!

                  Another way is what I like to use - cut the seam allowance of the star at 1/2 inch. I cut a light cardboard square the selected size, lightly glue stick it to the back of the pieced star and turn the seam allowance against the square (trim after turning). I glue stick my corners and then continue with the straight edges. When all is dry I use starch on the piece; when that dries, I peel the center square out. This works well for me because the glue stick AND the cardboard square are water solvable.


                    Here is what I have so far. I am a slow quilter and this is taking me longer than I was hoping.

                    Sorry this is sideways.
                    Kathy Hartwell


                      Well this is my layout....I may blanket stitch it by hand...I’m afraid the appliqué will move around to much if I do by machine....next time I will do raw edge...easier to apply and stick. But I had to challenge myself to try something different.


                        Work in progress. Waiting for triangle papers. My studio is under construction. Using my curtains in my bedroom for design wall.


                          Another way to square the barn door would be to pillow case turn it. Sew a piece of Appli-web or fusible interfacing, being careful of the point and then turn through the slot in the back.


                            I am having such fun seeing the posts on this site. I'm not too good at applique, except using raw edge and fusible. I'm also still staying away from stores with this virus. It's been an experience!! We are helping one another get through this year and I am so thankful for Alex and her helpers.


                              Getting there. Flowers now. Got to make more
                              Suzanne Chickite


                                I like what you all have been doing on your birdhouse quilts. Got a slow start but I think I mostly caught up. May move some of the houses, need more flowers and birds.


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