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Basket Puzzle

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    I enjoyed making the baskets. I no longer dread HST’s.


      I love your pieced border with curves in the corners. Really unique and accentuates the patchwork!


        I gave up trying to set the blocks on point. Now I’ve got the outer blocks rotated. marching around the center. This I can live with. I made the math more complicated using the dashing, but I’m figuring it out. Got to make some more baskets to fill in the corners. I may take out the light block on lower right.
        I’m previewing the fabrics on the right for inner border. Any suggestions? Should I go with a different solid than used in the dashing?


          Wow, Pat! Not your first rodeo. How did you make that border?


            I found the border on Pinterest. It is made using a Dresden ruler. The corners still have to be stitched in somehow. Possibly machine appliquéd.


              Originally posted by "patcee53" post=150743
              I enjoyed making the baskets. I no longer dread HST’s.
              I love your border!


                Kim again. My other picture was sideways..hoping this one comes up straight. Almost done with filling in the blanks....just a few more HST and small baskets to make. I do love this quilt!


                  I don’t get as much time to quilt as I would like, but have enjoyed quilting along with the group. I miss my Sew Sisters, we use to gather on Wednesday evening, you have filled that void, THANK YOU! I will make a table runner and pot holders out of the extra 6 inch.


                    I disliked this quilt more with every block I added. Late last night I added some fabric, not pieced, spacers between some of the baskets and realized that was the problem. It was too busy, there was no place for the eye to rest. I am once again eager to continue to make baskets for a twin size just blue quilt. I think I will add some checker board areas and maybe a couple different blocks, like a square in a square, to allow it to be less busy.
                    The houses came form a long ago class, blocks are 6, 8, 9, and 12 inches from EQ8 and Accuquilt.


                      This is what I have so far.
                      Thanks for viewing.


                        This is what I have so far.
                        Thanks for viewing.


                          I am still working on my baskets and placements but wanted to share what I have so far!! I thought also I am going to reveal my new hair; it is like baby fine after Breast Cancer Chemo; this past year 2020. God is so good and I am cancer free. It is Triple neg Meaestatic Breast Cancer, so they watch it closely. I shared all that to say Alex is helping me heal; find energy and quilting is surely my therapy. Thanks to all of you also!! Go Alex!!! Karen


                            This was so much fun, I’ve never made a basket quilt. Thanks Alex


                              Hi Alex
                              Couldn’t resist using this border print that I had in my stash. My husband was happy with this border so a win for me. Thanks for fun instruction.


                                OMG!!! One disaster after another! Started quilting the baskets, got about 1/3 done when I ran out of bobbin. So while winding a new one, I saw that I'd run out of top thread after just a few more stitches! More on order now. Then my machine started to make this terrible grinding noise. It was in the shop in late July for cleaning and tuning up. Now I need to take it in again! GRRRRR!. This morning I heard from the body shop, my car won't be ready until next week. Now I need to return the rental and get a loaner that is bigger so I can get all the voting equipment on Monday. I'm an election judge, Tuesday will be a nightmare! Working from 6am to 8pm. An I had hoped to have this finished and ready for binding on Sunday.


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