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Kaffe Mystery Quilt

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    Originally posted by "KimmieZ" post=149273
    Thanks Barbara! Are the notes Alex made regarding errors in the book? Or, do they just pertain to the quilt in discussion?
    No errors in the book, just her notes. There are sizes that are hard to cut accurately. like a 2" square in a square. The book gives usual sizes but you will have to be very careful with seam allowances. That is a great block/unit to paper piece, completely accurate--just draw it on paper and piece it that way.

    North Alabama, USA
    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


      I finished my It's a Mystery to Me Kaffe quilt, but since it was a mystery to me also, I titled it "A Mystery to Me Squared". Since I am already a perfectionist at heart, my challenge was to make the blocks wonky, a la Jan Mullens or Mary Lou Weidman. The backgrounds are all white with black polka dots and the slices through the Kaffe Brassica are all black/white stripes. Believe me, it was a challenge to think outside the box and let go, but I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.
      My only disappointment was that it finished out as a square. It sure didn't appear to be that way up on my design wall in diagonal rows. I quilted it in straight lines on the diagonal in the direction of the flow of the slices, but left 6 blocks to custom quilt.
      Thank you, Alex!


        dlynn131, thank you, now the pressure is on to make sure I finish it as I do have alot of WIPs that I really shoul be working on during this extra time at home...but this is so much more fun. I agree that everyone's ideas are so creative and inspiring.


          Oitsewkay, that is just stunning!


            bbauwens, your aboriginal fabric and blocks are just so lovely. I first saw aboriginal fabric at Paducah at their booth and the gentleman explained how the designs were created and what they meant. Have loved them since.


              Today I worked on the layout for my quilt (tomorrow I go back to work ...I work in the office at a high school) so I won't have much time for quilting except on the weekends. I like it so far but want to make it bigger so I am not sure where I will go from here.

              I am enjoying seeing all the layouts here in the forum. You are all so creative!
              Deborah W


                Thank you, Quiltgrubby! The side-setting triangles are actually a soft blue Grunge fabric. I was going to use the white (also a Grunge with streaks of green) but didn't have enough...so I used my blue. In person, all the colors are really beautiful together, thanks to Kaffe and Alex!
                Deborah W


                  Not sewn together
                  What do I need to change
                  Susan Skeel
                  Des Moines Iowa


                    What size do yo cut 1/2 square triangles on edge
                    Susan Skeel
                    Des Moines Iowa


                      This was a fun block! I have only two striped fabric in my stash. :unsure:
                      The other wouldn't do. So this one almost looks like thread.
                      Susan Skeel
                      Des Moines Iowa


                        Originally posted by "oitsewkay" post=149280
                        I finished my It's a Mystery to Me Kaffe quilt, but since it was a mystery to me also, I titled it "A Mystery to Me Squared". Since I am already a perfectionist at heart, my challenge was to make the blocks wonky, a la Jan Mullens or Mary Lou Weidman. The backgrounds are all white with black polka dots and the slices through the Kaffe Brassica are all black/white stripes. Believe me, it was a challenge to think outside the box and let go, but I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.
                        My only disappointment was that it finished out as a square. It sure didn't appear to be that way up on my design wall in diagonal rows. I quilted it in straight lines on the diagonal in the direction of the flow of the slices, but left 6 blocks to custom quilt.
                        Thank you, Alex!
                        A quilt for 'Alice in Wonderland'!
                        Susan Skeel
                        Des Moines Iowa


                          I love the fun aspect of your unique designs.
                          Susan Skeel
                          Des Moines Iowa


                            Love it. I might steal that idea. I have lots of stripes.


                              Oitsewkay, I love what you've done. You set your own rules and WOW! Just beautiful. Love it.


                                Oitsokay, stunning I just love it!


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