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Kaffe Mystery Quilt

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    Kaffe Mystery Quilt

    Beginning soon, Alex will host a Mystery Quilt featuring Kaffe Fassett (pronounced like Safe) fabrics. She will post the lessons on Facebook and YouTube and links will be in the TQS newsletters. Lots of ways you can find them and play along.

    Of course, you can use any fabrics you like. She is using Kaffe fabrics that were available from the TQS shoppe. People jump on those bundles quickly, so I think they are sold out. When Alex posts yardage amounts, you can create your own bundle!

    Please use this topic to share your photos of fabrics and progress and ask questions as needed. I will make sure Alex sees those.

    Use these hashtags for posts you put on Social Media:


    North Alabama, USA
    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson

    I received the Brassica set and I absolutely LOVE IT all! I love love the hand-dyes (these are my first). They’re almost luminescent. If anyone knows how I might find more without me having to disturb TQS staff, I’d be ever so grateful for any info. Can’t wait to be a part of this project!

    North Alabama, USA
    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


      Also, a little help with pre-washing por favor....me being a newish quilter, this is the first time I’ve had to pre wash fabric. I have color catcher sheets...do you split the fat quarters into color groups to wash, and I’m assuming cold water, delicate wash, yes? I have Dreft and Tide on hand. Is it best to use Dreft or will it matter? And should I wash the Kaffe as well? Thanks for any info.

      North Alabama, USA
      "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


        I separate lights and darks and use a Color Catcher in each load. I do Express wash with just a little amount of my usual detergent, Tide Free. Absolutely cold water.

        North Alabama, USA
        "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


          To find specific fabric to buy, Google the name, color and style number, I bet you find it available several places.

          North Alabama, USA
          "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


            I just watched the segment from Alex and was stunned that she mentioned the request for help on the Kaffe Mystery Quilt and your work of getting us together. Thanks for being such a wonderful organizer. This should be quite an adventure and I'm so glad to be connected on the forum.


              Another voice on pre washing..... I wash all my fabrics by hand, since they get shredded somewhat in the washing machine. I use either Tide Free which is unscented, or a tiny bit of synthrapol. and I put a color catcher in sometimes. You will find lots of opinions and different practices on pre washing fabrics. Try out your chosen method on a few of the fabrics and see what happens. If you're happy with how it works, then go ahead and do that.

              And I do wash my Kaffe fabrics, to get rid of excess dye. Also, most fabrics have sizing in them to make them feel better on the bolt. I wash to get rid of that too. As I said, lots of different opinions here.

              Happy quilting, Kathy


                I don't .do social media, but hope to do the mystery quilt anyway. Wish me luck


                  My previous experience with Kaffe fabrics is they run like mad. After 8 soaks to get rid of excess dye, I gave up and just made the quilt, BUT I always wash it in blue Dawn dish soap to prevent the dye from reattaching to the fabric.

                  Time you enjoy wasting is not a waste of time.



                    All Color blocked and starched. Been collecting kaffe fat quarters for years. Can't wait.

                    Just not sure how to put in a pictures on this forum. Not a Facebook or Instagram user.


                      Judy, your picture came through beautifully. Like a candy store.
                      Did you use Mary Ellen's Best Press for the starch? I got my fabric through with the color catcher, but haven't done the pressing yet.
                      I am excited to get started also.


                        Looking forward to this ! Love Kaffe fabrics


                          I updated my Sequoia Sampler border. I’m happy with how it has turned out. Now to quilt. This was all needle turn.


                            I hope this works (posting) pic of my fabric selection. Need to prep fabric, but plan to use my Kaffe stash.


                              Suemar, you did it. Nice fabrics.

                              North Alabama, USA
                              "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


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