Do a puzzle of Annie Smith's quilt, Garden Delights.
A Quilter's Handwork Goal Achieved, On The Set with Julia McLeod and Youngmin Lee, TQS Members' Kool Kaleidoscope Quilts, Go Tell It Interview with A TQS Member, Quilters Select 60mm Rotary Cutter, Puzzle "Love is Spoken Here"
A Best of Show Quilt & Puzzle, A Quilt's Tribute to History, "Color My World" Skyscraper Tips, Fabric Selection with Alex, "Fabulous" Fun with Annie Smith, How To Create a Diamond Quilt Block, New Mini Color Wheel
Do a puzzle of Melissa Sobotka's quilt, Chihuly's Gondola.
If Picasso Made a Quilt..., Free-Motion Quilting A Busy Bee Motif, Alex is Back, Understand Appliqué With Annie Smith, Jinny Beyer Quilt Block Game, A "Strange" Puzzle
Think you've improved your time since last week's game? Play Jinny Beyer's Memory Match and put your skills to the test!
Do a puzzle of Alethea Ballard's quilt, The Strangest Vase That Ever Was.
Mel Beach "Spinning Stars" Quilt, Ricky's FREE Kool Kaleidoscope Class, Quick Quilt With 5" Squares, The Dior Micro-Bag Challenge, Print & Piece Fuse Light and Fabric Glue Stick, A Puzzle That You Want
Do a puzzle of Annie Smith's quilt, What A Girl Wants.
Best Hand Workmanship Winner, How To Design With Thread, Sisters Quilt Show Is Tomorrow, A New LIVE with Dee Christopher, Understanding A Stitch - Part 1, Aerial Fat Quarter Bundle, A "Garden" Variety Puzzle
Do a puzzle of Annie Smith's quilt, Midnight in the Garden.
Ricky Tims' Book Inspires Award Winner, Whitney Museum of Arts Quilt Exhibition at 50, Crafting with Technology, iPad Case Tutorial, Transfer Artist Paper In The Store, A "Prickly" Puzzle
Do a puzzle of Marci Baker's quilt, Prickly Pear.
Honorable Mention - Mid-Century Mod- 2021, Pam Holland's Portrait Quilt of Ricky, Take the Fear Out of Machine Appliqué, The Ultimate Appliqué Guidebook, Jinny's Quilt Block Game, A "Celestial" Puzzle
Do a puzzle of Diane Kirkhart's quilt, Celestial.
If you love making quilts, you probably love games that involve quilt blocks too. Play Jinny Beyer's Memory Match and see if that connection is true!
2021 Vermont Quilt Festival Best of Show, Annie Smith's New Show, Sew & So... Podcast with Michael C. Thorpe, Ann Myhre's FREE Chinese Lantern Class, "American Gathering" Bundle and Book, A "Ribbon" Puzzle
Do a puzzle of Sarah Bond's quilt, Ribbon Quilt.
3rd Place - Wall Quilt - "My Mother", On the Set with Annie Smith, Alex's Quilt Studio Reveal, Sisters Quilt Show Is Next Week, Barbara Is Off and Dee is On, Quilt Stories with Maggie Vanderweit, Metalplus Toolboxes Back In Stock, Puzzle
Do a puzzle of Sarah Bond's quilt, Color and Grayscale.