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Watch Alex and Ricky's Textile Talk Whenever You Like!

Did you miss the LIVE broadcast of Alex and Ricky's Textile Talk last week? Did you just want to watch it again? Well, guess what? You can watch it whenever you like now. That's right, like with all of the Textile Talks, this one was recorded to be watched, treasured, and enjoyed again and again. Join Alex and Ricky as they recount the history of The Quilt Show, reflect on their journey, and discuss how TQS has become "a thriving global community fostering creative education, support, and growth."


Watch the Textile Talk below and enjoy!



Carol Grant
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This was a fabulous interview/show. I attended an AQS lecture Alex did in Grand Rapids a few years back & she said she was cancelled. People there had been upset Simply Quilts was cancelled, but it was not of her doing. I've been a TQS member...

This was a fabulous interview/show. I attended an AQS lecture Alex did in Grand Rapids a few years back & she said she was cancelled. People there had been upset Simply Quilts was cancelled, but it was not of her doing. I've been a TQS member for a few years. Now I want to go back & see some of the shows she referenced

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Laurie Molnar
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This was an EXCELLENT presentations!!!! I would love to forward it to friends

Carol Grant    Laurie Molnar
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It can be shared from youtube

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