
The Top 10 Modern Bridges to Inspire Quilters - The Millau Viaduct

Capt'n John's trek to discover Modern Bridges that will inspire quilters has taken him all over the world and his trip has ended in the South of France where he's reached The Millau Viaduct. Quilters will appreciate how this bridge brought cultures together. Also, the size of this bridge and the complexity of its construction make this a bridge that only a Baltimore Album Quilt maker can understand…

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The Top 10 Modern Bridges to Inspire Quilters - The Gateshead Millennium Bridge

On his second trip to England for his journey of Modern Bridges that inspire quilters, Capt'n John came across The Gateshead Millennium Bridge in England. How did inspiration strike John for this bridge? It reminded him of the beneficial qualities of any good quilt in your home, useful, beautiful, and gives off a simple appearance that is anything but simple.

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The Top 10 Modern Bridges to Inspire Quilters - The Ruyi Bridge

Capt'n John's search for Modern Bridges that will inspire quilters has brought him to China's Zhejiang province and the majestic Ruyi Bridge. Have you ever seen a quilt and wondered, "How'd they do that?" This bridge will have you asking the same question. As is very common with many of today's quilts, it combines the traditional with the modern.

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The Top 10 Modern Bridges to Inspire Quilters - The Ponte della Costituzione Bridge

Capt'n John's search for Modern Bridges that will inspire quilters has brought him to Venice, Italy this week for a trip across the Ponte della Costituzione Bridge, or in english the Constitution Bridge. How does this bridge inspire the design aspirations of today's quilters? Read on to find out!

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The Top 10 Modern Bridges to Inspire Quilters - The Helix Bridge

Imagine walking across a bridge that is not only functional but also a work of art.* Well, you don't have to imagine anymore because the Helix Bridge in Singapore is exactly that. This iconic landmark has captured the hearts of locals and tourists alike since its construction in 2010. Learn more about this fascinating bridge and take a look at the photos, we think its look might just inspire some of your quilting designs. (*Don't you find that can be true of quilts as well? You can make a beautiful quilt (aka work of art) that also functions as a cover for your bed.)

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The Top 10 Modern Bridges to Inspire Quilters - The Golden Bridge

We've heard of providing a helping hand for someone, but the Golden Bridge in Vietnam looks to be doing a lot more than just that. In his research for Modern Bridges to inspire quilters, Captn' John found that some said there was not a real need for this bridge, due to its cost and grand design. But we hope that you can agree with the beauty of the final result that art for its own sake, in this case, is enough.

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The Top 10 Modern Bridges to Inspire Quilters - The Infinity Bridge

This week in our series focusing on Modern Bridges that provide inspiration for quilters, Captn' John features a bridge that is based on a mathematical concept, that of the Infinity Bridge in Stockton-on-Tees, England. There are many forms from science that have been featured in quilts, and notice how this bridge achieves its form by interacting with its environment.

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The Top 10 Modern Bridges to Inspire Quilters - The Henderson Waves Bridge

Captn' John's next inspirational bridge is the Henderson Waves Bridge in Singapore. What inspired this bridge? Nature of course. As with many of us, nature can spark our creativity and this bridge is no exception. It was inspired by the undulating shape of waves. And while this bridge provides a traditional method of a walkway in its basic sense, it has a modern presence that is a thing of beauty.

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The Top 10 Modern Bridges to Inspire Quilters - The Banpo Bridge

Continuing with a selection of Modern Bridges to inspire your quilting creativity, Captn' John has selected the magnificent Banpo Bridge in South Korea. The Banpo Bridge, also known as the Banpodaegyo Bridge, is a treasured landmark located in Seoul, the capital city of South Korea. Captn' John feels this bridge celebrates color and embellishment. It also seems to highlight the contrast between traditional and modern quilting in that it was inspired by the harmony between nature and urban life.

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The Top 10 Modern Bridges to Inspire Quilters - The Samuel Beckett Bridge

As you know, anything can bring on sudden inspiration when it comes to creativity. Capt'n John believes every bridge has lines and shapes that can inspire every quilter. Here is the first of his Top Ten bridges, beginning with the enchanting Samuel Beckett Bridge in Ireland, AKA the Harp Bridge. This bridge was inspired by a symbol deeply rooted in Irish culture and history, do you know what it is?

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