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Quilt Legends Masterclass | Learn From Quilt Legends

(Show 2713) Take a journey through time and learn from The Quilt Show Legends of the last thirteen years to see what they have to offer and teach you in this exciting new Masterclass.

The Legends of The Quilt Show: Virginia Avery, Jinny Beyer, Libby Lehman, Yvonne Porcella, Eleanor Burns, Meredith Schroeder, Michael James, Mary Mashuta, Roberta Horton, Georgia Bonesteel, Katie Pasquini Masopust, Judith Baker Montano, Marianne Fons, and Jean Wells are brought together under one roof to bring The Quilt Show a one-of-a-kind learning experience.

Thread Painting, Quilt As You Go, Painting, Landscape Quilts, Traditional
Visit: The homes and studios of The Quilt Show Legends from the past thirteen years.
Series 2700

Suzanne Savatteri
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I absolutely loved this quilting legend show. I remembered all of these quilters featured. It was so nice to see them again and think of my life then.
I received Quilter’s Newsletter for so many years and read Libby’s column. I watched so...

I absolutely loved this quilting legend show. I remembered all of these quilters featured. It was so nice to see them again and think of my life then.
I received Quilter’s Newsletter for so many years and read Libby’s column. I watched so many Eleanor Burns shows. Bought all her books and rulers etc. My collection of books by many of these featured quilters is long. Thank you for this video.

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Kathy Beehler
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Appreciated the no nonsense intro for the Legend show.

Rodney Liber
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Great video. Loved it.

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