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WATCH - Show List

This is a list of all of the shows in the WATCH section of the site. Find a show with the magnifying glass. Increase to full page with the 4 arrow icon. Then, click the show title to go directly to the show. Easy!

1. To find an artist, click on the magnifying glass on the left and enter the artist's last name (it's best to enter just one word).

2. You would do the same to find a technique, such as Trapunto.

3. You can go to a show by clicking on the Show Title.

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Maria Perez
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Hello, I am looking for the show Alex did regarding quilts for military family children. They were portrait quilts for children to remember their parents away at war. Thank you

Lisa Klein    Maria Perez
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I remember seeing that show. I will look. Join Alex on one of her Facebook live shows and ask in the comments.

Linda Allen    Maria Perez
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I’ve just joined QUILTSHOW today. Does anyone from administration read these comments?

Marie Chatigny
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How can I print a complete show list ?

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agree with all coments can not see listings

Katherine Cornelison
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This doesn't work for me. All the extra typing just to look. Go back to the listing that worked!

lynette Ruta    Katherine Cornelison
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go back to the other listing set up. thankyou.

Ann Barry
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Not very user friendly. Although I can zoom in, I now need to scroll to see the full title and name of the artist. And you do need to zoom in to be able to read the titles.

Maureen Barber
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For my old eyes the show listing is way too small. I could do a search but I don't know what word to use for the search.
The way the shows were listed in the past worked much better for me.

nancy taylor
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I agree your new format isn’t very user friendly. I want to generally browse not specifically like applique. Liked the list wot descriptions like a menu on tv. List and then can look at info. It is too small print. I like to watch on my phone and...

I agree your new format isn’t very user friendly. I want to generally browse not specifically like applique. Liked the list wot descriptions like a menu on tv. List and then can look at info. It is too small print. I like to watch on my phone and it is very small.

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Gayle Zimmerman
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Sorry, I prefer the old way you used to list the shows. Much easier to negotiate as well.

AnnChristine Karlsson
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Why isn´t it possible to bingewatching?
I would like to start with one video and then the next in the serie will show up directly.
Now I have to go back to the list every time.
I really do not like this kind of list I prefer the older one

cathleen haight
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Are you kidding me!!! A magnifying glass! I paid to watch the landscape quilt and can’t find it!

Mary Kay Davis    cathleen haight
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If you click on the magnifying glass and type in 'landscape' and click 'highlight all', it will highlight all of the shows containing landscape quilts in the watch list. You can adjust the size of the font by clicking where it says 'automatic...

If you click on the magnifying glass and type in 'landscape' and click 'highlight all', it will highlight all of the shows containing landscape quilts in the watch list. You can adjust the size of the font by clicking where it says 'automatic zoom' and adjust the size up to 400%. You can also use the search bar at the very top of the page, enter 'landscape' and it will show you all the shows under the WATCH tab that contain landscape information. Hope this helps.

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