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Trailer 3308: Learn to Dye Ombre Fabric and Ice Dyeing with Cindy Lohbeck | Learn Ricky Tims’ Loco-Motion Techniques

Debuting October 8, 2023: On the next Quilt Show, Cindy Lohbeck has been dyeing fabric for more than forty years and she considers herself a true "dye-hard". Recently, she developed a whole new way to dye fabric called Rad Ombres and it is really groovy. Plus, she's known for her ice-dyeing and we think that what you see may just give you the chills.


And, Ricky Tims can help you put some Loco-Motion in your next quilt. He'll give you the tips to put you on the right track.


Join Ricky and Cindy Lohbeck, the Human Rainbow, on the next Quilt Show!



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