
Quilters' Save Our Stories with Paula Nadelstern

Three-time Quilt Show guest Paula Nadelstern just loves her kaleidoscope quilts and has an ongoing series of them. In this interview from the Quilt Alliance's Quilters' Save Our Stories (QSOS) program, Paula shares the story of kaleidoscope quilt number twenty, better known as Kaleidoscopic XX: Elegant after Maths, in her interview with QSOS from over twenty years ago (how appropriate).

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Quilters' Save Our Stories with Hollis Chatelain

Hollis Chatelain is very well known for her incredibly lifelike portrait quilts, with a focus on African American imagery. But how was she inspired to follow along this path? In our next interview from the Quilt Alliance's Quilters' Save Our Stories (QSOS) program, Hollis talks about her quilt, A New Day, and how her time spent living in Africa had a "major influence on her art and artistic processes."

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Quilters' Save Our Stories with Yvonne Porcella

Quilters Hall of Famer and TQS Legend Yvonne Porcella is next on our continuing series spotlighting the Quilt Alliance's Quilters' Save Our Stories (QSOS) program. In her interview, Yvonne speaks about the Quilt Alliance's 2003 raffle quilt, The Voice of You and Me"discusses quilting as an art form and the importance of visual storytelling within the art of quilting."

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Quilters' Save Our Stories with Laura Wasilowski

Our next interview from the Quilter's Save Our Stories (QSOS) program features the colorful Laura Wasilowski. In her talk with Jodie Davis at the Georgia Quilt Show in 2010, Laura talks about her quilt, On a Leaf and a Prayer, why quilting is important to her, and shares what she thinks is the biggest challenge confronting quilt makers today.

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Quilters' Save Our Stories with Sherri Lynn Wood

For today's interview from the Quilter's Save Our Stories (QSOS) program, we are focusing on TQS guest Sherri Lynn Wood. In this conversation with Karen Musgrave, Sherri talks about her quilt, Linda Susan Wood (1943-2003) Passage Quilt, a bereavement quilt that Sherri made out of her mother's clothes after she passed away.

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Quilters' Save Our Stories with Becky Goldsmith

Becky Goldsmith, four time Quilt Show guest and our 2019 Block Of the Month designer, is next up on our series highlighting the Quilter's Save Our Stories (QSOS) program. In this interview, Becky talks her quilt, Trying to Hold On, about getting started making quilts and how it's grown into a quilting business, and offers advice for new quilters.

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Quilters' Save Our Stories with Alex Anderson

That's right, our very own Alex Anderson has participated in the Quilters' Save Our Stories (QSOS) program and talked about her history of being a quilter, along with sharing the story of her quilt Mud, all in front of a live audience at the Houston International Quilt Festival in 2011.

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Quilters' Save Our Stories with Susan Shie

Beginning today, we will begin featuring a series of Quilters' Save Our Stories interviews, or QSOS for short. What are Quilters' Save Our Stories interviews you ask? "Quilters’ S.O.S. – Save Our Stories (QSOS) is a project of the non-profit Quilt Alliance. The project creates, through recorded interviews, a broadly accessible body of information concerning quiltmaking, both present-day and in living memory. Our archive for the original audio recordings and photographs is the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. QSOS volunteers from across the country conduct and transcribe these interviews. We appreciate their generosity of time and dedication to the project!" First up, TQS friend and guest Susan Shie!

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Textile Talks: Quilters Save Our Stories Interview with Pat Sloan

Join SAQA and the Quilt Alliance for a Quilters’ Save Our Stories (QSOS) interview with Pat Sloan and Frances O’Roark Dowell for the historic QSOS oral history collection. This Textile Talks takes place TODAYWednesday, March 30, 2022 at 2:00 PM Eastern Time and will be recorded for later viewing.

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Textile Talks: Quilters Save Our Stories Interview with Bets Ramsey

The Quilt Alliance has conducted a brand new Quilters Save Our Stories (QSOS) interview as a part of the Textile Talks series with Bets Ramsey, 98-year-old quiltmaker, writer, curator, educator and 2005 Quilters Hall of Fame honoree. Merikay Waldvogel was the interviewer. Bets is best known for her documentation, teaching and curating work, but Merikay’s interview reveals what an accomplished and prolific artist Bets is (still).

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Quilt Alliance Podcast - Running Stitch Season 3

The Quilt Alliance's Running Stitch podcast is back for its third season and features quiltmakers such as Eliza Hardy Jones, whose quilts interpret folk songs through color and pattern, Zak Foster, a high school teacher turned full-time quiltmaker, and Sarah Steiner, who taught herself to quilt during the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch the trailer for the new season now and new episodes will be released weekly.

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