
Quilters' Save Our Stories with Laura Wasilowski

Our next interview from the Quilter's Save Our Stories (QSOS) program features the colorful Laura Wasilowski. In her talk with Jodie Davis at the Georgia Quilt Show in 2010, Laura talks about her quilt, On a Leaf and a Prayer, why quilting is important to her, and shares what she thinks is the biggest challenge confronting quilt makers today.


What are Quilters' Save Our Stories interviews you ask? "Quilters’ S.O.S. – Save Our Stories (QSOS) is a project of the non-profit Quilt Alliance. The project creates, through recorded interviews, a broadly accessible body of information concerning quiltmaking, both present-day and in living memory. Our archive for the original audio recordings and photographs is the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. QSOS volunteers from across the country conduct and transcribe these interviews. We appreciate their generosity of time and dedication to the project!"


From Quilters' Save Our Stories and the Quilt Alliance:


"Laura Wasilowski talks about her quilt, "On a Leaf and a Prayer", a fused quilt made from hand-dyed fabric."


Click Here, or the image of Laura's quilt below, to hear her story.


Learn more from Laura by watching her on The Quilt Show in:


​​How to Do Fusible Applique with Laura Wasilowski | How to Make a Convergence Quilt with Ricky Tims

​​How to Do Embroidery Stitches with Laura Wasilowski | How to Stamp a Quilt

​​How to Make a Fusible Collage Quilt with Michele Sanandajian | Unusual Binding with Laura Wasilowski


Quilt Photo: On a Leaf and a Prayer by Laura Wasilowski




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