
The Quilt Show Puzzle: "The Timer / Hanged One: Card #12 in the Kitchen Tarot" by Susan Shie

Do a puzzle of Susan Shie's quilt, The Timer / Hanged One: Card #12 in the Kitchen Tarot.

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Quilters' Save Our Stories with Susan Shie

Beginning today, we will begin featuring a series of Quilters' Save Our Stories interviews, or QSOS for short. What are Quilters' Save Our Stories interviews you ask? "Quilters’ S.O.S. – Save Our Stories (QSOS) is a project of the non-profit Quilt Alliance. The project creates, through recorded interviews, a broadly accessible body of information concerning quiltmaking, both present-day and in living memory. Our archive for the original audio recordings and photographs is the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. QSOS volunteers from across the country conduct and transcribe these interviews. We appreciate their generosity of time and dedication to the project!" First up, TQS friend and guest Susan Shie!

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