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Ricky Tims Visits with Libby Lehman at Home 2024​

Did you miss Ricky's recent LIVE with Libby Lehman, well we have it right here for you. Ricky dropped by Libby's house while he was in Texas just before her birthday. You'll be inspired as they chat about Libby's life since her stroke and her philosophy about moving forward in life.

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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Escapade" by Libby Lehman

Do a puzzle of Libby Lehman's quilt, Escapade.

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What's Up with the Wonderful Libby Lehman?

Ricky recently met up with one of our favorite people, Libby Lehman. Here's what he had to say...(p.s. Ricky said she looked absolutely beautiful before the traditional cake smash)...

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