Opening Doors to Friendship
- - Raw Edge Applique
- - Piecing
- Quilting
The International Miniature Quilt Exchange has provided a wonderful opportunity to meet someone from another country. It’s been fun getting to know my partner Silvia in Buenos Aires through Google translate. I’m excited when I see an email from her in my inbox. We’re looking forward to meeting each other this fall in Houston and to finally seeing each other’s quilts. The inspiration for my quilt is the friendship that has sprung from this quilt exchange. This is portrayed through the quilter from Seattle looking through a door onto a street scene in Buenos Aires. I’m hopeful that the image conveys the message that quilting lessens the miles and countries between us. Quilting is an international language and even though we are far apart, we’re developing a friendship and learning about each other’s lives and quilting styles. The design is built on a background of over 100 friendship stars. I’m hopeful that the friendships that develop through this international quilting exchange continue long after we have our partner’s quilts hanging on our walls.