Presented by the Quilt Alliance: "Many makers today do an excellent job of labeling, photographing and writing down the important details of the quilts they make. But often quilts made or received as gifts or purchased are not labeled because less is known about them. Emma Parker and Amy Milne of the Quilt Alliance will introduce you to three quilts with no label at risk of becoming Anonymous. We’ll demonstrate the steps of quilt documentation, from documenting your own process, to an inherited quilt with a rich history, to a mystery quilt." Register today and watch when this episode airs this Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at 2 PM EDT.
From The Quilter on Fire, "My guest today is Amy Milne. She is the Executive Director of the Quilt Alliance. This organization cares so much about quilts. I don't even know where to start. They have documented tens of thousands of quilts, recorded 1500 stories, and made millions of quilters happy by saving and sharing this information. So let's explore the story of the Quilt Alliance with Amy Milne."
From Amy Milne, Executive Director of the Quilt Alliance: "In this issue we are honored to present a guest essay from Karen S. Musgrave, a past volunteer and QA board member, who played a pivotal role in the development of the QSOS oral history project. Karen is an interdisciplinary, multihyphenate artist whose recent body of work deals with loss, memory, and identity. She feels passionately about connecting cultures with quilts. Karen's memories from her work with QSOS paints a vivid picture of what volunteer work can offer an artist, especially giving back to and gaining from a passion project."
The QTM 2022 fundraiser marks the 10th event in the Alliance's Quilters Take Manhattan series and will be held virtually September 13-18, 2022, featuring a 3-day Main Event with optional Add-On sessions like workshops and demonstrations.
The theme this year is "Sustainability Stories" and speakers will include Carla Hemlock, Tula Pink, and Jennifer Sampou.
We are happy to announce that the Quilt Alliance has been approved to receive an American Rescue Plan grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to help the arts and cultural sector recover from the pandemic.