
Textile Talks: Document That Quilt! Yes, Even That One! with Quilt Alliance Staff​​​, presented by Quilt Alliance

Presented by the Quilt Alliance"Many makers today do an excellent job of labeling, photographing and writing down the important details of the quilts they make. But often quilts made or received as gifts or purchased are not labeled because less is known about them. Emma Parker and Amy Milne of the Quilt Alliance will introduce you to three quilts with no label at risk of becoming Anonymous. We’ll demonstrate the steps of quilt documentation, from documenting your own process, to an inherited quilt with a rich history, to a mystery quilt.​" Register today and watch when this episode airs this Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at 2 PM EDT.

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Quilters Take a Moment 2023: Day 2 Workshops - Labeling and Documentation

The second day's workshops for Quilters Take a Moment (QTM) 2023, taking place Thursday, October 19, 2023, from 12:00 - 4:30 pm Eastern Time, have been announced and will feature a spotlight on Labeling and Documentation. Find out why this important practice of documenting your quilts is something every quilter should know.

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