Longarm Quilting Grids and Curves with Gina Perkes | Patchwork Precision | Quilt Photo Tips
(Show 308) Gina Perkes, Quilt Artist, shares step by step instructions to give you the confidence to design your own masterpiece with intricate grids and continuous curves. She enjoys working with silk and generally uses solid fabric as the quilting shows better. Gregory Case (Photo Man) shares great tips on what to emphasize in your quilt photos when submitting them for a show. Then follow Alex and Ricky as they visit and learn about San Francisco General Hospital's rehabilitation project called "The Great Cover-Up."
Studio Visit: Alex and Ricky visit the San Francisco General Hospital and learn about the rehabilitation project called "The Great Cover-Up".
Quilting Design, Applique Tips & Tricks, Raw Edge Applique, Curves, Quilt Photography, Notions, 14" Seam Accuracy, Longarm, Quilts for a Cause
Series 300