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How to Finish a Quilt | Finishing and Binding Masterclass

(Show 3505) Join The Quilt Show and the masters of finishing a quilt, Sharon Schamber, Kathy Wylie, Amanda Murphy, Patricia Belyea, Bonnie Browning, Bethanne Nemesh, and Kris Vierra, as they teach you everything you need to know about binding, finishes, and edge treatment. From simple bindings, to simply stunning, don't miss this Masterclass on finishing and binding techniques.

Finishing, Binding, Edge Treatments

Judy Lyon
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The best show ever!!! Your shows are always wonderful.. thank you so much!

andrea van voorhis
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HELP, I can’t access shows and I am a star member

kathy dunigan
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Absolutely a great show just “chock full” of wonderful tips by Masters. I took notes and hope to put this delightful show into good use for some great finishes. Thank you!!

Shann Wheaton
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During the video, i noticed Ricky Tims was using a "shoe" or covering over his iron. What is that made of and how do we make that or buy that?

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watching the masters work their magic is truly amazing. Thank you!

Jo Gibson
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This was an excellent show, reminding us all that borders are just as important as the quilt. Thank you, The Quilt Show, for putting this Masterclass together with the experts. I just loved it!

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