Who is Sherri Lipman McCauley?
Sherri Lipman McCauley is educated as a teacher, trained as a computer programmer, and has emerged as a fiber artist. She works extemporaneously and in the abstract. The serendipity of the paint or dye landing on the fabric dictates the direction of her design. The simple stroke of a geometric shape or the blast of a colorful line ground her work. The nature of the medium dictates the direction. Process is an important aspect to her design. Her final art is often intentionally ambiguous, the abstraction deliberate.
McCauley’s work has been exhibited in local, national and international venues. She has been published in Quilting Arts Magazine and Art Quilt Quarterly and can be seen in the 2400 and 2500 Quilting Arts TV seasons. McCauley is a Juried Artist Member of Studio Arts Quilt Associates (SAQA) and a juried member of Art Cloth Network, as well as a member of her local Texas quilt guilds.
Her work has been exhibited in Visions, Art Quilt Elements, and Quilts=Art=Quilts.