

Who is Meri Henriques Vahl?

Meri Henriques Vahl lives in the Santa Cruz, California. She graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, with a degree in Fine Art, which she quickly realized would not put a paycheck in her hand or food on her table!

However, in the mid-1990’s, she discovered the world of Art Quilting while visiting a fellow San Francisco Lamplighters singer who had one of Gai Perry’s quilt designs hanging on her wall – and inspiration struck: she realized that she could paint pictures with fabric! Thus, began a journey, an exploration of what the many other gifted quilt artists were creating, and what she herself was capable of doing.

Encouraged by her friend Ellen Edith, and under the auspices of Diana McClun, the founder of Empty Spools Seminars at Asilomar, California, Meri ventured into the exciting world of teaching others how to use her techniques to create their own art quilts. She has since had the good fortune to lecture and teach at quilt guilds all over northern and central California, at Pacific International Quilt Fest in Santa Clara, CA, in Nevada, France and Australia, and of course at Empty Spools Seminars.

Always inspired by her awesome students and the work of other art quilters, Meri has made a number of award-winning quilts, including three that won the Mancuso Brothers ‘Best Quilts of the World Fest’ in 2009, 2011 & 2015! She encourages her students, whether advanced or beginner, to enjoy the process of making art as they allow themselves to let go and play with the fabric.

See her website for more information

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