
Update on the Top 5 Website Questions and 3 More

We have some answers and we have several new problems to address.



Here are Updates on Your Top 5 Questions:


"Insufficient Storage"


This error hasn't happened since 9am Saturday PST. We are watching all the bots and making sure you get first access.


"Media Format Not Supported" The Shows are Loading Slowly


With the help of several viewers we isolated the problem. Now we have to see the best way to fix it. Until then, turn off your ad blocker, use EDGE, or click on the Chapters to get it started. You should not have any problem now with the Sandra Johnson show or the Cindy Needham show.


The shows are sometimes loading slowly. Our webmasters have been alerted. You may have to wait up to 30 seconds, but it is coming...


"MY QUILTS Come Up as Blank Squares" New problem: Quilts from Newsletter Don't Show


There are several areas that quilt pictures don't show up. When you click to see the quilt and get a blank page...just click the blank page and it will magically appear. Or just sign in. It works when you are logged in. I''m pretty sure our webmaster will get this fixed before Wednesday's newsletter.


"Forum Posts in the Wrong Order"- No update. Need to discuss


Currently, the forum posts are in Chronological order- oldest post first. This allows any new person to see what started the post. However, most users of the forum are repeaters and already know what it's about and just want to see the latest post. The old forum was that way. Hmmmmm, we have to think this out BUT until then you can instantly reorder them to Newest First by clicking the "Latest Activity" tab at the top of a topic.


Bonus Question: Where are the Puzzles?


To find the puzzles, go to the search box at the top of the page and type "puzzle". Then choose the Blog tab.  When you click on any puzzle it will have a tag at the bottom saying "Puzzle". You can click on that to see more.


Comments Don't Work


Right now if you try to comment you get a strange error message. I'll bet our webmaster will have a quick fix for this. 


Gaven Rank
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Everyone should definitely think about ad blockers. They are different, with different functionality, but the most important thing is, of course, the reliability and stability of their work. This is exactly Go here what is required of them to not...

Everyone should definitely think about ad blockers. They are different, with different functionality, but the most important thing is, of course, the reliability and stability of their work. This is exactly Go here what is required of them to not drown in advertising on the network. It helped me that I went here and was able to figure out from this article which ad blocker I should choose for myself. I hope it will be useful to you too.

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anndee botta
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Love your puzzles! Hundreds were archived on the old website back to the first quilt puzzle offered. Are you planning on setting up those archived ones too? I've done all I can see here at present.

Rosemary Kent
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Memory Match
I am no longer able to play the Memory Match in the emails that you send out. I click on the "Play" button but nothing happens.
Is this something that we will have to come to this website to do instead of the daily emails?
Thank you!

John Anderson
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Updates: The Jinny Memory Match will now be in the blog so people can find it. Also, it seems to not have a problem playing when accessed from the blog. Give it a try and let us know.

All the shows have been fixed and you should not be getting...

Updates: The Jinny Memory Match will now be in the blog so people can find it. Also, it seems to not have a problem playing when accessed from the blog. Give it a try and let us know.

All the shows have been fixed and you should not be getting any "Media not supported" errors anymore. Let me know if you do.


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I cant find Barbara's blog Much more confusing than old site

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Jinny's memory games have not worked either time I have tried them. Just a blank page. Also you are unable to view the quilt puzzle before you start putting the puzzle together. Challenging!!!!

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I'm not able to find Color My World pattern and instructions for month 3.

Mary Helen Simonson
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Got 503 service unavailable trying to go from forum to profile. Ipad ios10

Debra Connolly
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Thank you for all the great work on your new web site. Patience is the word of the day for all. I am confident you will iron out all of the kinks!

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I miss seeing the products used by the guest. It is very helpful information . All i am seeing is related to Ricky Tims and while he is special and i love his techniques, I would like to see the guest products listed. It will take time to get...

I miss seeing the products used by the guest. It is very helpful information . All i am seeing is related to Ricky Tims and while he is special and i love his techniques, I would like to see the guest products listed. It will take time to get used to the new site.

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