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WeAllSew Tutorial: How to Add 1/8″ Wide Sliver Piecing to Your Quilt

Do you ever have that feeling that sometimes you quilt isn't working but you just can't quite figure out why? One thing you could try is adding some 1/8″ Wide Sliver Piecing throughout to give your blocks and piecing some room to breathe. Cassandra Beaver at WeAllSew has an insightful tutorial to show you just how to do that, and it just might be the thing your quilt has been missing.


From Cassandra Beaver at WeAllSew:


"Oh, Wow! – Has this ever been your response to seeing a miniature quilt? Small-scale piecing can have a massive impact on large and small quilts. Today we will go step by step on how to add 1/8″ wide sliver piecing to your quilt.


Click Here, or the image below, to go to the tutorial and learn more.




Alberta Cyr
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This is a great post about weallsew tutorial how to add 1-8 wide sliver piecing to your quilt. It's useful for me and I can solve my bloxd io problem.

Jack will
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Avocado Organic Latex Mattress Topper: This topper is made from 100% organic latex, which is a naturally cooling material that can help to regulate body temperature. It is also very supportive, which can help to relieve pressure points and pain. ...

Avocado Organic Latex Mattress Topper: This topper is made from 100% organic latex, which is a naturally cooling material that can help to regulate body temperature. It is also very supportive, which can help to relieve pressure points and pain. https://promattresstopper.com/best-mattress-topper-for-hip-pain/

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Pegi Cromartie
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What a wonderful idea~ So clever and useful especially when it becomes a needed seam element. I've come across this problem when using up stash fabrics on a foundation pieced unit. This will help make it look so much better. Thank you,...

What a wonderful idea~ So clever and useful especially when it becomes a needed seam element. I've come across this problem when using up stash fabrics on a foundation pieced unit. This will help make it look so much better. Thank you, Cassandra

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