
Take A Tour of the "Enchanting Threads: The Art of Salley Mavor" Exhibit

From Salley Mavor"Come along on a video tour of Enchanting Threads: The Art of Salley Mavor, my current exhibition at the Albany Institute of History & Art. The show will be there through March 2, 2025, so, there’s plenty of time to plan a trip to Albany, NY with your friends and family! For those of you who live too far away to visit, please take 5 minutes to walk through the galleries with me."


More From Salley Mavor:


"The exhibition has the feeling of a retrospective, with over 100 framed pieces and sculptural objects that I’ve made over the past 45 years, from a modular village I made in art school to the recent four seasons series. The complete series of original bas-relief illustrations from my picture book, MY BED is also on display."


Enchanting Threads: The Art of Salley Mavor​ is on display at the Albany Institute of History & Art in Albany, NY now through March 2, 2025.


Click Here, or the image below, to watch the video tour and learn more about the exhibit.




Judy McNeel
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Her work is amazing! I subscribed to her blog so I can see these precious works of art a little closer.

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Like others have said, it's so sad that the photography was so bad I couldn't finish watching.

Nancy Guttormson
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I got dizzy watching the camera pan around...agree with Anne, no chance to see the work.

Anne Brennan
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Would love to have seen each piece for longer than a nanosecond. The camera moved waaay too fast! These are amazing little works of art.

Joyce Abbott    Anne Brennan
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Go to Salley's website and you can see many more detail pictures of her work and how she does them. Also, you can Google images of Salley Mavor's art and you will see many nice pictures of her work.

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