
Barbara Black's Tips for "Laurel Ridge" Month 4

This month Barbara gives you tips for making 32 checkerboard blocks, the most important of which is "Read the Instructions." She has some adjustments you can use if you like a bit of extra fabric for trimming, along with how to accurately measure before you trim.

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Barbara Black's Tips for "Laurel Ridge" Month 3

So you got your patterns for Month 3 of Laurel Ridge, the 2025 Block Of the Month designed by Lynn Wilder, a few days early. Have you finished this month's blocks already? Do you need a little extra help? Barbara Black has her go-to set of tips and tricks just for that. She says, "This month we make Half Square Triangles--BIG ONES! We make a lot, 48 total, but the designer's method for making 8 at once makes it fast and easy."

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Barbara Black's Tips for "Laurel Ridge" Month 2

February is here, and with it comes Month 2 of the 2025 Block Of the Month, Laurel Ridge designed by Lynn Wilder. And what goes hand-in-hand with BOM patterns? Barbara Black's tips to help you out with them. This month Barbara says, "the pattern is for the 5" appliqué blocks. There are 4 sets of 3 appliqué blocks this month." However, Barbara chose not to include any appliqué in her version of Laurel Ridge. Find out what she chose to do instead and see if you want to follow in her footsteps.

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Barbara Black's Tips for "Laurel Ridge" Month 1

The patterns for the first month of our 2025 Block Of the Month, Laurel Ridge designed by Lynn Wilder, just debuted, which means you may have had some trouble finding your footing starting out on this new BOM journey. Don't fret though, as Barbara Black is back for another year of helping you complete your 2025 BOM with ease. Follow along as she helps you with Month 1, which finds us "making FOUR PATCH IN A STAR blocks, 4 each in TWO colorways."

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